[Warehouse 13: Drabble] "Rewards" [Myka/HG, G]

May 28, 2023 03:31

Title: Rewards
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: writerverse phase 23, challenge 40, prompt 38 the hero gets the girl
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Fandom: Warehouse 13
Pairings(s): Myka Bering/HG Wells
Character(s): Pete Latimer, HG Wells, Myka Bering
Summary: “You two go ahead, I’ll be fine.”


“Sure,” wheezed Pete, slumping onto the sidewalk as the Artifact sparked and fizzled in the bucket of neutralizer. “Yeah. You two just go ahead and, you know. I’ll be fine.”

His partners continued kissing for a moment, then drew apart.

“I’m sorry, Peter, did you need something?” Helena asked, mildly, as Myka hid a smile against her shoulder.

“Oh, no,” he said. “I just ran six blocks to get the cursed doodad into the goo before somebody else exploded.”

“There’s no such thing as curses,” said Myka.

“There is an ice cream shop,” Helena added. “My treat.”

Pete smiled. “Deal.”


Current Mood:


warehouse13, drabble, hg/myka, writerverse

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