[Star Trek: Drabble] "Sleeping Arrangements" [Amanda/Sarek, G]

Dec 20, 2022 04:05

Title: Sleeping Arrangements
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: writerverse phase 23, challenge 01, prompt 15 “The course of true love never did run smooth.” (William Shakespeare)
Word Count: 507
Rating: G
Fandom: Star Trek (TOS)
Pairings: Amanda Grayson/Sarek
Summary: “Just because something is logical doesn’t mean it’s right!”

Sleeping Arrangements

“Just because something is logical doesn’t mean it’s right!” yelled Amanda.

She paced the length of their bedchamber, clearly angry. On her third pass, she snatched the pillow from the far side of the bed, where Sarek usually slept, and thrust it at her husband.

“I can’t deal with you right now. You’re sleeping on the couch, mister!”

The old-fashioned hinged door slammed shut, and Sarek stared at it for a long moment.

With his bedchamber apparently no longer available, the couch in their apartment’s living room was the most logical place for him to sleep. But he also knew the human idiomatic meaning of the phrase, even if he did not entirely understand it.

On Vulcan, all disagreements were debated in a calm and logical manner. If a solution or compromise could not be reached by nightfall, all participants would retire to their customary sleeping locations, to resume negotiations after they had rested. He had not known that ‘sleeping on the couch’ could have any other meaning until he had visited his new wife’s family and the topic had arisen. It had been explained to him by his brother-in-law, Takashi, the husband of Amanda’s younger brother, Matthew.

“My advice is to apologize,” the other man said. “Even if you don’t think you’ve done anything to apologize for. Being right is not as important as keeping your spouse happy.”

Now, Sarek found the recommendation to be sound. Human males often had difficulty offering apologies, but as a Vulcan it would be no hardship. And he was genuinely apologetic - had had upset Amanda, however unintentionally, and he would perform whatever task was required to restore her emotional stability.

Even sleeping on the couch.

Sarek retrieved a blanket from the hall closet, then removed his shoes and retired to the couch, lying on his back with his fingers steepled over his chest, to meditate until sleep came.

He was woken some time later by the presence of another person in the room. He could not make out more than the person’s shape, in the dim light of their apartment, but there was no one who could have entered without triggering an alarm.


She stepped closer and he could see that it was, indeed, his wife, wrapped in the comforter from their bed.

“Oh,” she said. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“It is of no matter,” Sarek assured her.

“Good,” she said, absently, then climbed onto the couch beside him, tucking herself between him and the backrest.

He paused. “Are you no longer angry with me?”

“Oh, I’m still furious,” said Amanda, easily. “But I don’t sleep as well when you’re not beside me, Sarek, and I saw no reason to deny myself something because I’m mad at you.”

“A logical conclusion,” he allowed. “But might you not be more comfortable in our bed?”

In response, she wriggled closer. “Shut up and go to sleep, Sarek.”

“Very well,” he murmured.

Humans were so very illogical. And yet, he found his own sleep to be more restive, as well.


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drabble, amanda/sarek, star trek, writerverse

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