[Stargate: Drabble] "Snow Day" [John/Rodney, G]

Jun 23, 2022 03:39

Title: Snow Day
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: G
Word Count: 300
Prompt: a (very, very, unbelievably) late winter holiday present for goddess47
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing(s): John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Summary: John and Rodney introduce Torren to an Earth tradition.

Snow Day

“That one, Sheppard,” said Rodney, pointing out the jumper’s front window. “Right there.”

“I see it,” said John, and set them down at the bottom of a gently-sloping hill.

A foot of snow had fallen on one of the northern continents of Atlantis’s new planet. John, Rodney, Teyla and Kanan were all wearing the standard SGC winter field gear. Ronon had only his long leather duster but had added a knit scarf and hat, and four-year-old Torren was bundled into a snowsuit Jeannie had sent from Earth.

“Everybody ready?” asked John, and opened the jumper’s hatch.

Ronon went out first, boots crunching. Torren raced after him and immediately toppled into the snow.

Rodney rushed forward in alarm, but the boy popped back up again, giggling madly, “It’s cold, Uncle Rodney!”

“Yes, it is,” he agreed, and swung Torren up onto his hip.

John grinned out at the snowy hill. “Who’s ready for some sledding?”

The Pegasus natives looked curiously at the round plastic sleds he handed around, but followed him to the top of the hill. John sat cross-legged on his saucer, and Rodney set Torren in his lap.

“We’re gonna go pretty fast, TJ,” said John. “Hold on tight.”

He wrapped one arm around Torren, and pushed them of. The little sled started out slowly, then gained momentum, bouncing over the bumps in the hill to Torren’s echoing laughter.

“Again! Again!” the boy laughed, even before he and John and slid to a stop.

An hour later, John collapsed into the snow beside Rodney, who’d turned his saucer over to use as a seat. “That kid has too much energy.”

Rodney set aside his tablet. “Then I guess you’re too tired for a little making out in the snow?”

“Nah,” John laughed, and Rodney leaned down to kiss him.


Current Mood:


gift, drabble, john/rodney, holidays, stargate atlantis

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