Nov 02, 2004 22:41
I had a good day but it was kind of sad in it's own way. School and classes were good.. nothing too exciting really happened. But yeah.. I went on a run after school and that was pretty much awesome it was really cool to run in the snow. I also had a piano lesson where I passed a song (Yes!) so I am one song closer to quitting! Oh but I went to the x-country banquet thing and it was so much fun hanging out with everyone again, but it was really sad, too. Cause I'm gonna miss everyone so much! I have so many good memories and new friends from x country, such as:
*Singing during the 50 mile bike-a-thon and the BG, baby! Gleavesky, Toll, Slick, Madizzle, & Mickshell!
*All of the rainy practices...the one practice at Bear Creek where we were all drenched and had to sit in the road in the wet
*All of the meets.. Michelle's little bug bite problems on her forehead, prancing around at Arapahoe and singing "Hey Tim You're so Fine", my falling at Harrier, all of the good times at the Chatfield Challenge, and like 80 more other good times.
*The cartwheel contest with all of the seniors at the picnic.
*Becca's experiences with Tim.. "It's flat! You're flat! It's flat!" "You know, I really don't like you.." "Who's ready for another lap?" "Want some water? Oh well anyone but Becca can have some!"
*Haha that weird Jeff kid who played with my hair and stuck stickeys on our backs.
*Our fun run in Waterton Canyon with my poetry and our Mulan songs
*Becca, Lindsey, and my accidental choice to take the advanced course.
*The crazy rides we had with all of the seniors.
*The joys of the 5 a.m. practices.. Lindsey and I not trying during the last one.
*The very first practice where Wes and I took the "advanced run" and almost died.. but became friends. :)
*Lauren de-pantsing me in front of half of the team and my "cat-like" reflexes.
*The day it thundered and x-country was cancelled!!
*Maddie and my missing our rides and our 4 mile run and deep conversations about intellectual topics.
*When Becca and Michelle fell in love with Alex.
*Our summer runs where we played softball and got mooned by the weird captain Jeff.
*All of the short shorts on super white guy legs and spandex..yesss! haha
Gosh there are so many more.. cross country has been so much fun. I was really happy for it to end, but now I miss the workout and the kids too! Cross country kids are the greatest!! I'm gonna miss Wes, Scott, Zach, Michelle, Lauren, Trevor, Feese, Laminator, and just like everyone else from X country. Although I'll get to see a lot of them still, it's just not going to be the same at all. I'm so glad that I'll get to see Becca, Ali, and Lindsey all the time still! Wow that was probably really boring for you all, but I really wrote that more for myself. Tell me if any events, etc. should be added to the list! I just need to go and reminisce (sp?) some more!
<3 Anna