Jury Duty

Feb 02, 2010 16:46

Hour or more till I have class and I was worried that I would miss it. We get to do another hands on project :D
But we also have another paper and speech coming up D:

I had Jury Duty sooner, but with the sprained ankle Mom had to call in, to have me post-pone. Monday, the first of February (aka yesterday) Mom called me because we totally forgot about it. I had a hour and a half to get together but was still a half hour late with traffic. I filled out the form which was pretty basic; where do you work? Have you ever been a victim of a crime? Are you in the Military?

They where quick to call me, second group. Everyone was helpful what with me on crutches and with a Trader Joe Bag. I would have gone with a backpack but didn't have the time. I did throw in some food (snack bag Doritos, can of pineapples and a banana) and water bottle. Money which I used for parking because I didn't realize they had free parking (a block away). Phone, DS game and Ipod, oh and my jacket. They had 22 of us in or had extra chairs around the Jury box. The others sat in the stands. I was in the one of 22 in the box. The Judge went over some stuff, asked us more questions relating to the case. We had a break and a lunch break then more questions from the attorneys. In the end they didn't need me.

The rest of us where sent back down to fill out another form and wait for our next room. Again didn't wait long. Sent up to a room where we sow the Judge we all kind of meet earlier. In the morning when give us info (fire exit, food court located, ect) He came into tell us a story of a young man that didn't have a mode of transportation and walked all the way to the court house (Sacramento) from Watt or Howe (I believe). He start around 5, but he was here. Someone in the group had said if they both got on the trill they would dive him. Just a reminder that what we're doing is appreciated.

On this Trial I was in the stands. We didn't get far, he sent us home for the day, saying "come back at 9". Was up before 7 and we where out a little after 4. I called mom and left a massage. Got in my car and tried getting back to the highway. Circled around maybe twice then found my exit. But I end up going to the Airport (wrong way). I got off the Arden exit and thought "I'm going to eat, with traffic I won't make it." In the KFC parking lot I called the house and told mom my plan so she wouldn't have to wait up. Had to wait for my food so I got a free cookie :p
I felt bad leave my tray and again a lady was nice to throw it away for me.

(By the way look for 1st street, go toward the rail road museum.)

The next day I woke up early with a plan. I was out of the house by 7 with traffic, got to the jury parking lot by 8. The block walk took a half hour, gave me time to ask if I had to leave for school, would it be ok? she informed me I'd have to take that up with the people in the Trial. I was at the 4 floor 10min before 9 and I waited. Group got called in and I didn't recognize anyone and I didn't know anyone around me. A man told me all the court rooms in this side already had their jury picked. So I went to the other side where a man recognized me. He told me there was a hold up anyway. I sat and played my game. An hour passed and I got worried, looked around and remembered in our group was a woman in a chair. He didn't know what I was talk about. Turned out he was from the first group (he got picked) and thought I had been picked too.

I went back down stair and told them I didn't remember my floor. Turned out it was the 3 floor. I got there and took a minute or two not sure if I should go in or wait (you know for a break or something) but I went in. It was good, I told them I was on the wrong floor and sat down then... everyone got up.

I was so confused and woman told me that they choose their jury and we could go home. I followed her and the group and told her what had happen. We got down stairs and turned in our badges and that was it. Just like that we could leave! I called Mom before leave the build incase there was something I was to do that everyone else know that I didn't. Nothing. All good.

I took my long walk back to the car, used my sunrise direction to get back. Only it wasn't the highway that takes me to Folsom so I got off at the mall and though "oh oh!! Diary Queen! Please?"

"Well.. I'm going by it would be easier then microwave something."

Here I am a few hour later after being filled with Chicken strips, fries and toast. Listening to mom and waiting to leave for school.
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