Week 4 and movie review

Jan 26, 2010 02:04

It's been almost 4 weeks since I've sprained my ankle and decided to start from the beginning. The bruise was still there and didn't seem to go down so I went back to what all the websites told me; R.I.C.E.
I had it ice the first few days... I think. In short I went and put ice on it and the bruise went down. Can even move my foot (witch I couldn't do before) also put pressure on the foot but not the ankle. So I can stand with all my weight on my good foot but can't walk.
True be told. I did something to my knee a long while back (my remember reading it) I was on weird hours and on my own I thought if I keep the ice pack on at all times it would heal faster. Instead, I gave myself frostbit. So what can I say a little nerves that I'll do it again.
Worst part is bed time. I fear that during my hours of sleep my foot will need something or I'll move around. >.> If you ever have someone like me get hurt or sick. Do Not Leave Them Alone! First thing they will do is tell you their ok and don't need to fussing over them. They will not stay in bed and will get up to do things saying "they didn't want to bother you for something small item"
People like me is why they have belt straps to keep the sick in bed. I tell you this because they will not. We will lie, we will glare you to death over the fact that you can't make our soup right. Usually we are the ones take care of you. Just drug us up good, try your best.

Just to put a timer on this healing while cleaning my Mom went and hurt herself. She fell, got her knee but seem it's her back that's feeling the real pain. So I got to get this foot moving now so I can take care of her. I feel comfortable using one crutch, don't feel pain hopping.

I did awesome on the first part of my second midterm. On the second part of the second midterm I barely slide by. I got SOOOO lucky, one point away and I would have to re-take... well if I re-took it I'd only be allowed 80 point. BUT, don't have to re-take it so there the good part...
good I fear what the whole thing will look like all together.

I love this show. God Bless Pineapples! :D
We... taped? Tvoid? What ever you want to call it. If you don't know the main character; Shawn, his dad is a cop and during Shawn's childhood he was taught to notice details in a quick glance, protect himself if in danger and just down right read people. Since it's hard to have the police he just "knows" he ends up tell them he's psychic. He get's his childhood friend Gus to join him in his full time just of being a private psychic detective. Gus is a full time... Pharmacist or something of that feild of work.
Watch them I got my answer.
I once thought; Sherlock Holmes was before Wikipetia, he WAS google. But what would he be like in a 20th centery, today setting? He would be Shawn. That's what he did! Just like Sherlock he can take a quick look at someone and their surroundings and understand what's going on. Just like Sherlock he need someone that knows poison... drugs. Before that person was a Doctor. Today that would be a Pharmacist, Gus.
That is probably why I love the show. That and it's funny.

Boring! I got all the info I need from this movie and fast forward though the crap and I can tell you. The movie could have been cut down in to a half hour and you wouldn't have missed anything. I'll tell you the movie but I must warn you I will spoil the ending and the movie pretty much spoils it's self.
We start in San Fran with little Chun-li play piano. The the movie remembers that she was from Bangkok. Oh ya and her Dad taught her some morning exercises and use a stick. Ok now we're on track! Dad comes home, arrow throw window get stopped by refrigerator door. Get attacked by Mickael Duncan as Balrog (I think as the boxer/bodyguard he pretty good but... I notice this in the end credit seem they switch around the villains name in the Japanese version he's Bison... wonder what story they got?) Epic fight with Dad and some random guy. Little Chung-li comes down stair, Neil McDonough tells her to go to bed. She goes back to her room, they take Dad, end sence.
Chung-li is still doing Piano and still has this cool bird necklace her Dad gave her witch as nothing to do with the story other then to help those who can't tell one Asian from another who she is. How ever the guy getting beaten up with a spider web tattoo on his hand IS important. On to Neil, I mean Bison (unless your watch the Japanese version then he'd be Vage 0.o) he tell some big-business-mafia-whoevers that he's take their stuff, the leave what a weird fade effect witch wasn't need don't know why we had it. They are killed by Vega but we don't get to see it. God forbid we have fight seen in a movie called "street fighters"!
Turns out her Dad is alive and has a really nice cell; workout bench, but there's even a mini-fridge. Oh and our Blond hair blue eyes Bison give him pictures of his Daughter to show she still alive and play piano.
Yad yad. Chung-li leaves her rich house got to the slumps looking for more on this spider-web thing and gets in to a fight with some guys. After taking them down she pass out from the fight and wakes up to see...
Lui Kang from Mortal Kombat, the hell? 0.o? No it's the actor but he's suppose to be the spider-web guy who give out all these cool hand tattoos. He want to train Chung-li and help her get her dad. They do this with magic orbs and draw in the sandbox with their feet.
Durning all this there's these two cops. Named Hot Stud and Sexy Cleavage. Ya... they do nothing other then make sex comment to each other and... their just here for the fan-servies.
Oh and turns out Bison now owns Bangkok and point out he was same age as this little boy in a crowd when he made his discussion. That got my interest! I want to hear the story of Bison and how he got that way. Later the cops get to see Chug-li who kicked Kantana (again with the Mortal Kombat) ass in the girls bathroom then jumps away over the roof tops like she's the god damn batman.
Lui Kang then tells us the story of Bison over dinner. Turned out he was left for dead pretty much as a baby. Parent didched him, he had an illness so no one really though he'd live. Showed them! He went around bulling people for food and stuff then took his pregnet girlfriend to a cave where he shoved his hand in her stomic. Pulled out a baby girl (and said what a good boy am I) put his guilt in her so he would feel any.
He send her away again after story time and Balrog blows the place up (ya there was random fighter but in the end didn't matter). Chug-li find out and goes after Bison. But first she must find out who's fallowing her, Guile? No it's Vega (forgot he was in this movie didn't you) Saddly it would have been a twist if it had been Officer Hot Stud but this movie didn't really care about that. Instead it's just some guy in a mask, she easly cuts his face, bets him then hangs him from his feet off the building.
Well that was pointless. Totally killed that Sexy Psycho Ex-boyfirend stoker feel between them. Thanks movie.
Bison has a package at the docks called "White Rose" remember that baby girl? That's right it all come togeather now. btw, Liu Kang isn't dead. But Bison gets Chung-li and kills her Dad in front of her. Bison gets in a fight with Lui Kang to finally prove witch is better! Mortal Kombat or Street Fighters?
Lui tries to get to Bison's Daughter. GET THIS. Bison took over Bangkok to that he was the only bad guy. Think about it, I mean what's the point of world domination unless there's a purpose? Like own all the water and oceans but not owning a boat. What's the point? But his point was no one could hurt his baby girl. It's almost sweet. To bad Officer Hot Stud stole her away while everyone was busy. Bison kick Liu to the curb and is frantic to find his White Rose when pissed off Chung-Li. He and her dook it out on the build and she nocks him by the edge. While down he see his Duaghter with Officer Hot Stud and Chung-li gose in for the kill. She grabs his head with her feet and spin down. Snapping his neck infront of his duaghter like he did to her dad (only Bison used his hands). Officer Hot Stud tell Chung-li to leave and he'll take care of this.
And so Chung-li buries her Dad next to her Mom (ya Mom was there for two sence, she watch chung-li as a girl, grown up chung-li see mom die in hospital, like disnay.) Liu still there and shows Chung-li and flyer for something called "Street Fighter Tournament" He feel that Bison had something to do with it. She turn down the offer to go. Looks off and see herself as a girl and her Dad doing kung-fu and yad yad. That's all we get.
Don't waste your time watching it. Wait for The Nostalgic critic girl to do a review.
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