Birthday Weekend

Nov 09, 2009 11:55

Fun little Birthday weekend. But before that...

I went to the clinic for shots. Just need three shots: two in the right arm, one on the left.
Then she sat me down in front of another need
Me "You said I only need 3."
Doc "yaaa..."
Me "You lied to me!"
Doc "Sorry. Got to get some blood too."

For the next two days up to the birthday weekend I was feel groggy and ready to take my low blood pressure and histamine druged body out on any frustration I had with people wanting to harassed me with their drama. You could say I was wait for someone to just push the red button.

Lucky for them they didn't. Bad news is I don't feel like being friend with these people if they make me feel this way deep down inside.

Now back to our Birthday Weekend!

For Mom's Birthday (Chris is tomorrow) Dad brought Chris with him. Mom and me went out, I couldn't hold back my hunger so we went to Denny's. We had Sampler, did the pick 5 for our low price. Got Turkey bacon. Turkey bacon good. Dropped off package at the post box then went home.
There Chris gave Mom her gift, A Jucier! Dad got her an Iphone and is taking her car to have this Cer`use radio. We had plans to go out to dinner, Roube's Hideaway. They got fish. Mom likes fish.
Dad went to Qusnos. After he left I thought "I want one" Mom said we could go to the store but in the end I called him and mom had one too. Sadly Scene we did that we didn't get to got out to eat. But that was ok! We had a Jucier! Mom's Housewifes of Folsom want to play with it. So I took them to the store. Before this I had to get Pizza for Jim, Because we told people there would be food and now there wasn't D:
I had to get gas first and because the Gas station don't want Jim to have his pizza witch was just a few feet away from the station. First it wouldn't take the card, then the pump wouldn't stay on. Then it stopped for the $50 I'd payed for. So I called them asking why it hates me. She came out, tried it then said "How much dose your tank hold?" I looked at the pump "humm... about that much" She told me not to put the cap on yet and dripped a rag to get some out.
Where was I? Oh yes, Jucier! The store was fun, we got two of everything and put it in a basket. Then at the self checkout we looked up the codes. I make it sound simple. Got back a third time and sent out for wine. Called Jacob because it's his birthday this weekend too. But he was out and I talked to his Grandma.
Let's see; the girl where in the kitchen play with the Jucier, Dad and the others where outside watching a UFC fight, Chris was play with Bear's son (the boy who had been over play games a few times) But he left to see a movie so I went up to keep an eye on him. When he left I went to bed.

The next morning everyone was snuzzing. Dad was up so I got us Del Taco. We watching The Usual Suspects. I liked it. After the movie Mom and Chris where up, I thought they would go out to eat. But they sent me. Later I chauffeured them to the mall for more birthday fun. We shopped for clothes for Mom and videos for Chris. Last stop was the game store, Dad called say it was time for Chris to head back );

After they left, Mom relaxed the day away and I got dishwasher soap, lots of dishes. Except for a call from them that was the weekend.
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