Disney's Tangled, Rango, Despicable Me, and TF Geekiness

Jul 29, 2011 15:53

This didn't post due to Livejournal's hiccups, so here it is again:

Movie Ironhide cosplay at SDCC 2011

AND THERE WAS MUCH SQUEALING AND FLAILING!!!!!!!11!! Yes, seriously, I was sitting here squeeing and flailing and then I told mom about it and was jumping up and down flailing with no shame whatsoever.

I finally saw Tangled, and I just have this to say: I am confused. It sounded like a Disney animated feature, but didn't look or feel like one. :\ It is a good movie and the CGI is pretty and all, but my brain kept trying to picture the scenes in 2D animation. I miss traditionally animated movies. :(

On the other hand, I've come to expect a slew of CGI films to be out these days. Rango is awesomely clever and the visual designs are superb. Despicable Me turned out to be fun and unexpectedly heartwarming.

On another note, two more things that are sad: 1) I realized I've mentioned my laptop-keyboard-picking at least a half dozen times before, and 2) When I took out the prologue of Resilience to type it, I found that I had completely forgotten that I hadn't finished it before jumping into chapter one. 9_9 I sense that both the chapters and the fic itself will be shorter than the previous two parts. :P

Edit: I'm not online for weeks at a time, and when I decide to go to Livejournal for a couple of days in a row, the servers are having problems. :PPP


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