Tube Sock Cat in action, and Transformers Versus Gundam!
Here's Molly after the stitches crisis, newly remedied plus splints on her tube sock and a light cast on her foot to stop her from scratching her neck again. She liked to sleep in the laundry basket, but now I have my mesh hamper again so she just sleeps on the bed or chair.
This photo is creepy. Transformers Versus Gundam!
"I can outdraw you, mysterious stranger." No, Chibodee, no you can't. O_o;;
A conundrum -- who is more heavily armed, Ironhide or HeavyArms? ;D
Plus I still have two more kits to put together... ;D
Six degrees of separation! I can even make a "GIVE ME UR FACE" reference with good ol' Missing Faceplate Sandrock there in the second row.