great party!!! oh my, i had such a good time. the only upsetting things that happened were my cousin slightly damaging my disco ball, and my random shameful way of throwing myself at a select few people.
i got given gifties, which surprised me every time because it had sort of slipped my mind, and then people kept coming up to me and giving me things! i got a whoooole lot of jewelery! and A BLENDER FROM MY FAMILY OH YEAH WHO CAN MAKE SMOOTHIES I CAN THATS RIGHT ME! and some alcohol, cashmoney, vouchermoney, random things, a nightmare before christmas bag (linda & stef, thanks i love it) and a ticket to see dylan moran live whee!
i'm eating an orange crush i just made in my NEW BLENDER because my only ingredients i could find were oj, ice and an icypole. it's gooooood though. yum yum yum!
if someone lost an earring please let me know - i found one. i might have to go all cinderella on your arse.
great memories:
- dancing with matt's laura and sami to the spice girls and anything else
- all the fabulous costumes - best dressed goes to tanya the Duck and birch as Gene simmons
- originality awards to chris the Dick and sarah the paper Doll
laura_ponton randomly running up to bradley and sqealing something as she gave him a huuuuge hug. they've never met, she doesn't know who he is. the look on his face was priceless.
- walking through the house, i thought i heard my dad say something to me, so i popped my head through the door to the living room. best. sight. ever. about five of my guy friends, in costume, playing cheezel poker with my dad. YES.
thanks for comin', you guys, i had a great night and hope you did too.
photos to follow.