dearest LiveJournal,
please stop being a prat. you've got this stupid new system with which i cannot easily put in pictures under an lj cut, nor can i have simple cuts without big giant spaces between them. although i adore your new autosave function, and it has saved me much frustration many a time, i dislike the ability to simply put up pictures in a rich text format, save a draft, then come back in auto and put in cuts.
now, you have gone even further and switched the appearance of my flist and journal. this in itself is not necessarily such an evil gesture but i am sure that it is really either a diversion technique from some other horrible deed, a telling note of such a thing, or that you are now simply enjoying watching my confusion and squirmy discomfort.
i'd appreciate it if you'd help me out and cease your cuntly actions.
i'm sorry i didn't mean it please don't take away my extra three icons and change my password!
my legs and my foot are sore much.
i got home after a lovely walk half the way with miss manda and her lovely canine to find Granny's car, Little Red, parked in the yard. how confusement, i thought. upon asking her whereabouts i was answered by my garden-residing father that she was in fact in the back yard. this was the first sign of trouble.
as i have made perfectly clear (at least i thought,) i do not want people in the backyard tomorrow night, for what i think is an understandable reason. yet there's granny out there doing god knows what, and the old couch is sitting under the verandah. dad suggested putting it outside for the party, a very smart idea, and i said, under the carport in the front yard. yet there it is sitting out the back. now, if the party was to happen in the backyard, what, pray tell, was the point of chopping up the front yard and putting up a temporary fence?
so. next thing i know everyone's inside and dad's talking about putting the couch, the inside one, in front of the glass door so that nobody goes into the kitchen/dining room. why are these hyperthetical people inside, i wanted to know? i thought we had agreed that outside was the place to be? well, says dad, of course they're going to come inside. they have to go to the toilet, don't they? well of course they do, i answer, but they aren't going to be hanging around in the living room. that's what outside's for. colour me confused.
so then, Granny starts saying something about me getting all my shit off the table so she can put a table-cloth on it. my first thought was, i did that yesterday actually, the only things of mine left on the table are the photo albums which i will need to go through in the next 24 hours. my second thought was, tablecloth?! what the holy crapmonkeys of beadwork?! upon enquiring further i was told by my grandmother that she "will not be eating outside!" and that between 5 and 7, when she is here, "the food will need to be inside." also, "dad said outside too, but i soon fixed that!"
she's become a little dictator. now i love my granny to bits, but i'm beginning to see why my mother remarked the other day how much she always hated my granny.
one thing's for sure - if this is what family does when you're trying to organise a simple get-together, i am definitely eloping. if i ever decide to get hitched. tanya has agreed to be my witness.
consequently, i now have to somehow figure out what the fuck is going on, and then full-on clean the whole house. i was planning on tidying up the main points, lounge-room, dining table, etc, but now everything will have to be hardcore neat and clean and oh boy, even though i didn't want it this way, i'll bet i'll have to do much of the work.
'front garden, carport and toilet,' it seems, has now become 'front garden, carport, back garden, lounge room, dining room, kitchen, hallway, toilet and anywhere the fuck else.'
oh, and you know what else? i was asking dad if he was going out tonight and he said yeah as long as i was cleaning, in a nonchalant way, like he knew i would be (cos it was my suggestion in the first place) and granny was all like, "hrmmm, perhaps i should stay to supervise..." at which i was incredibly pissed off and offended. i mean you all know how when someone TELLS you to clean, you want to tell them to fuck off. well it's bloody lucky i really really do feel like cleaning, because in any other situation if she'd said that to me i'd be sitting on the couch watching dvds by now. and would be for the whole fucking night.
sometimes she gets all self-righteous like that, and then sometimes she acts all sweet-old-ladyish... like delores umbridge. but prettier.
sorry. just needed to vent that little bit out.
other than that though, i've had a wonderful birthday.
i woke up nicely, got a lift to uni from the lovely morgan, got given a card and wizz fizz etc from Mary, a girl in my photography class (how sweet is that? i've known her what, once a week for four weeks?) and hung out with
fingers_in_ears. i got a free drink from einstein's, (apparently, according to my mother, vodka has no taste. i disagree. i don't think there was any in my lemon, lime & bitters.) and bought a cruiser from the bottle-o on the way home. did not get asked for I.D., was disappointed at all the alcohol i could have been buying up until now. maybe i'll go to safeway tomorrow and buy the cheapest thing they have, just so i can get i.d. checked. and a scratchie. because i can.
the weather was better than expected - not too hot at all. overall i really did have a good day. not too much hard work at uni, and i'd actually read and understood the book we were covering for lit.
oh, and i found out i have an essay due for lit on monday.
which i should be doing right now.
am not.
uni sucks.
but birthdays are fun!!!
ps on the bus home i got an sms from my brother. he said happy 18th with an '!' and apologised that he can't make it to my party.
i nearly cried right there on the bus. ^.^