2 cupcakes [Video]

Nov 07, 2011 21:28

[He had been about to say something, really- but sometimes things just don't go as planned, especially during events.

This cut is for blood, and things that make someone bleed. )

lol pitfall, has bad luck, shinigami down, there's demon in that blood, interrupted, to be helping plz, there's actually a lot of blood, help, he'll live, whoops, *event, *event: it's a trap!

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[Video/Offline] genkireaper November 8 2011, 02:52:13 UTC
Tsuzuki?! Hold on, I'm on my way!

[O-oh, that's not good. Very bad, really. She's running out of her house and taking to the sky. (Sensing for the energy of a shinigami in general, if mun is okay with it, too.) It depends on how close he was to the NE section on how quickly she'll be able to get to that area.]


[Video/Offline] amethyst_gaze November 8 2011, 03:08:12 UTC

[It's a response, so the man is still keeping awake. (Perfectly fine! lol html) He had been aroun the football stadium area within the NE section, passing by during one of those scavnging walks of his.

Which was apparently a very bad idea to take.]


[Video/Offline] genkireaper November 8 2011, 04:09:22 UTC
Just try to keep awake!

[Then with some luck and energy locating it's a little bit before Botan's floating above the pit. For a moment at seeing the blood and impalement she does freeze, however. It wasn't exactly covered by her training.]

O-Okay, I'm going to get them cut so their shorter, then we'll lift you out and get you healed.

[She's just... gotta lower down carefully and see how she can align some of the shots so she does as few as possible and getting them nice and short.]


[Offline] amethyst_gaze November 8 2011, 04:15:40 UTC
I'll.. just need a place to r-rest. Bandaged, maybe.

[As far as he knows, anyway. He's very lucky his head landed between those sharpened poles- but they did get an arm, a leg, and.. Well he's got on going through his chest.

No training should ever really cover this- his certainly didn't cover pitfalls with spikes.]


[Offline] genkireaper November 8 2011, 04:22:15 UTC
You'll definitely need rest, but I should be able to heal it up quickly. if the chest wounds don't kill you...

[She's getting to a spot to kneel down and charge up the first spirit gun and get the leg and chest ones first, before firing a second shot to shorten the pole on the arm.]

Now, I'm going to try to do this quickly but as gently as possible.

[Yeah, because that always works. If the leg or arm one is below the knee/elbow she'll get that one off so there's less tug when lifting Tsuzuki off the one that went through his chest. How does one get this unlucky?]

You're compatible with spirit energy, right?


[Offline] bloodseal_soul November 8 2011, 04:31:58 UTC
[Spotting Botan's hair made it easier to find them. Al slides a little, coming down the side of the pit. Carefully, he strips off his gloves.]

I'll help if I can.


[Offline] amethyst_gaze November 8 2011, 04:41:58 UTC

[He didn't know exactly- Different terms and all and right now he couldn' think very well through the pain, even if he had felt worse over the seventy years of working.

And hello Al.]


[Offline] genkireaper November 8 2011, 04:51:16 UTC
[Looks up quickly.]

That'd be lovely! If you can get the other side? Once he's off of these poles, I'll be able to heal them closed.


[Offline] bloodseal_soul November 8 2011, 04:53:34 UTC
[Al nods, determined, and gets to his other side, supporting his back and arms.]

... I can hold Mr. Tsuzuki's back if you get his arms off first.


[Offline] amethyst_gaze November 8 2011, 04:59:33 UTC
[Tsuzuki is being very good and not letting any part of himself jerk despite the pain.]

If I can.. move or do something in.. any way to help, tell me.

[Says the man who has thos things going through him.]


[Offline] genkireaper November 8 2011, 05:13:06 UTC
[Nods and goes around to do just that.]

Just try to keep conscious, Tsuzuki-san. We're the ones that are supposed to help you.


[That's for both of you boys, because Tsu-chan might need to brace himself for the big move.]


[Offline] bloodseal_soul November 8 2011, 05:18:38 UTC
Ready. On three, Miss Botan?

[Al keeps him utterly steady. He's not too heavy, surprisingly.]


[Offline] amethyst_gaze November 8 2011, 05:23:04 UTC

[As he can be, anyway. Tsuzuki is very much ready for the pain that will come.

He's mostly legsEven if he's ment to be 26 this man is still more or less around the size of an 18 year old young man, and yes surprisingly light despite all he eats.]


[Offline] genkireaper November 8 2011, 05:30:39 UTC
[It's probably a good thing that Tsuzuki's as light as he is, seeing as it means Botan doesn't have that much physical strength.]

Right. Ready. One... Two... Three!

[To which she'll lift Tsuzuki with Al and help get him moved to a spot he won't get impaled on.]


[Offline] bloodseal_soul November 8 2011, 05:39:34 UTC
[On three, they lift him off the spikes, and Al manages to take most of the weight and get them out of the pit, where they will have enough room to lay him down.

Once they do, Al takes his hand.]

Just keep breathing, all right? Easy does it.


[Offline] amethyst_gaze November 8 2011, 05:49:53 UTC
[That strangled scream cannot be helped, or the coughing up of blood since the poles are no longer keeping som of the internal bleeding somewhat stopped.

He does keep breathing, eyes closed tightly.

It might be an odd sight for any visable wounds through the holes in his clothing, but things are already healing slowly.]


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