2 cupcakes [Video]

Nov 07, 2011 21:28

[He had been about to say something, really- but sometimes things just don't go as planned, especially during events.

Tsuzuki dropped his PCD, yelling as he was just whipped off his feet and slung into the ground. The ground asn't solid, of course, sending him down into some large pit-fall trap with a rather sickening sound- anyone familiar with the sound would recognize the sound of something heavy being impaled over some sharpened thing.

During Tsuzuki's unwanted and abruptly ended flight the PCD had hit the ground and rolled conveniently by the pit he was now at the bottom of. A few long and sharp wooden poles could be seen, along with one of the shinigami's arms skewered on one with fingers twitching.

He groaned, soon making a sharp intake of air once that daze from impact passed and pain hit him.]

A-anyone there..? [Oh sweet Lord Enma, please tell him someone can hear him somehow.]

lol pitfall, has bad luck, shinigami down, there's demon in that blood, interrupted, to be helping plz, there's actually a lot of blood, help, he'll live, whoops, *event, *event: it's a trap!

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