update on life

Nov 26, 2008 20:36

Been going absolutely crazy with school.  I have a paper due tomorrow, which I have now finished!!! YAY ME!
My biggest concern is for Monday coming up.  I have a 3 hour Japanese midterm to study for, my Japanese portfolio is due, along with my Japanese paper and my Japanese listening assignments....the portfolio is almost done, and the listening assignments have not yet been started...and I don't have chapter 5 done for my midterm yet (getting that tomorrow night from a classmate).  So just a little panicky on that front....

Next Friday I have a paper due that I am currently doing the research for, and another paper due on the following Monday (the 8th) that I haven't even thought of starting yet...each of these are about 20 pages.  Go me!  The first on is on Expression of emotion in Japanese culture and the second paper is a systemic functional linguistics paper where I have to do an ideational meta-functional analysis of a speech by Nelson Mandela.  My brain is possibly going to explode...I still haven't finished the homework in syntax that I missed while I was away in Burbank for the Farscape convention...I'm hoping to get that done tomorrow.  we'll see.

So I am REALLY looking forward to Monday the 8th!!  Cause after that all my work is pretty much done and I get 2 and a half weeks off for Christmas!

I took that what colour is your rainbow test....Mines tinted indigo.
What is says about you: You are a proud person. You appreciate cities, technology, and other great things people have created. People are loyal to you and see you as a natural leader.

I tried to post it here, but the picture didn't show up, just the html coding....weird.  oh well.

So that's me, I'm still alive...just extremely busy, and when I am on my computer it's because I'm doing homework...or sleeping on my keyboard.


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