High Pitch Girly Noise-day

Nov 09, 2008 22:08

Today was absolutely amazing!!!  Especially for kazbaby !!!

Ben told kazbaby  that he likes her videos.  Every year Kaz gives Ben a DVD full of music videos that she's made.  And today he told her that he likes them a lot and that they are really good.  As you can imagine, Kaz is walking on cloud number 9!

This morning we got up at 7 so we could be ready to leave the hotel room at 7:30 to get into a frelling long line to eat breakfast with the celebrities.  Virginia Hey. Raelee Hill, Francesca Buller, and Ben Browder circulated around the room and chatted with each table for a few minutes.  We ate a dren load of scrambled eggs, potatos, bacon, sausages, cressants, etc.

Virginia asked our table if anyone has ever told Ben her description of his butt: "two perfectly round, freshly baked loaves of bread... a ery biteable bum".  So, Tricia decided to actually ask him during his on-stage talk.  Wow, was he ever embarrassed.  He turned a very nice shade of red.  He was unable to respond for a moment, and then he said he would have to write that down and look at it so it would make his day better....and he turned around to check his own butt on the big screen behind him. I guess the answer to Virginia's question was "no".

So Fran did photo-ops with us at 10:30 and I got a photo with her...no special pose this time; and Ben did photo-ops at 11:00.  I did get a special pose with Ben.  I asked him to stand back to back with me with arms crossed and he put on a serious face while I was cracking up. After the photo-ops Tricia and I went and looked at SGA photos and I bought a bunch of group shots, and I bought Tricia a D'Argo Banner, and a nice photo of Michael Shanks.

Fran was on stage at noon and she  told us that the children in Look at the Princess Trilogy (at the end when John gets to see what his kids will look like) are actually Ben and Fran's kids.  Beautiful children!!  She told us that after the Earthquake she moved back to England for a while this past spring but came back cause she missed Ben too much.  She also told us that Farscape bought the house they are currently living in.  She also told us her version of Ben's story about being manditorily evacuated by his wife. lol  slightly different, but on the whole, very similar.

Ben came on stage after Fran. He came on stage with a box of props that was left for him back stage.  The first thing he did was put on a grass skirt.  Then he added the coconut bra and started dancing on stage.  Then he pulled out a valkyrie helmet with the blonde braids and added that to his outfit.  I got some really nice pictures.  He talked about how he met his wife and his first day at drama school in Britain and how he offered to teach the class to "shag" (the name of a dance from Carolina with a very different meaning in Britain!!).
He told us how his wife once played the part of a teenage transvestite trucker.(LOL!)
Someone asked Ben who was a better kisser, Claudia Black or Michael Shanks, and he was afraid to answer because his wife was sitting in the front row...then he talked about Chris Judge kissing him multiple times...always when he was drunk..but then told us all in no uncertain terms that his wife is the best kisser followed closely by Christopher Judge.  He also promised to do Farscape Full Monty next year and since Chris Judge does it for free he'd be there too!
Kazbaby volunteered all the scapers as slaves for Ben's production company and I think Ben is seriously considering it.  he earned $2 towards his production company today.

Ben is also planning on running for Presidency in 2016!!!  Everyone needs to vote for him!

I missed Richard Manning on stage because I was at Ralph's buying a cake for Camera Scaper's birthday.  We are currently waiting for her to get her autograph from Virginia Hey so we can all sing happy birthday to her and have the chocolate cake.

virginia Hey was the last ceebrity to hit the stage tonight and she presented a music video award to a scaper who made the most amazing video today!!!  The song used for the video (that was all about Zhaan) is a Japanese song called  mado kara mieru.  The most beautiful song I have ever heard!!  It's only available on I-tunes...so now I have to get someone to get it for me 'cause I don't have i-tunes. lol  love the song!!
Virginia talked about how she lost 40 pounds and how she did it healthily and that she would post the details for us on her website.  Tricia delighted in telling her all about Ben's reaction to being told about Virginia's description of his butt! LOL  AMAZING!!!

Camera Scaper just got here...so Tricia is gone to get the cake.  Should be a fun time!

OH!!! I forgot to mention in the last post. 
I bought myself a replica of John Crichton's long black leather coat. I got all my measurments taken and the coat is going to be custom made just for me!  Gonna fit like a glove!!  I can't wait to get it.  I should get it in time for Christmas!

kazbaby!, farscape convention, francesca buller, ben browder

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