Jul 11, 2004 12:08
Ok, I'm sorry about yesterday, I was having a bad day, I said waay too much to one person imparticular and I feel pretty shitty for dumping my shit onto them. I'm better today though, even kinda hyperish I guess... I have to go and see Leonie today and give her some college stuff, she's working till 5 so I have to take it up to work for her... I'll get her to come outside for her break and have a cigarette with me... coz I smoke too much when I go up town because they're all assholes that annoy me lol. 0=)
I need to ask Jess something, I wanna steal one of her ideas! *goes to find her*
Ohhh Nic, Jim bob (the Squirrel) wants to go out with you again... he's buggin me about it, lemme know ok? lol.
Thanks for yesterday Nic. =) *huggles you* Thanks Jess and Sash too! You 3 have been fantastical too me through all my shit, I just hope you feel you can talk to me too when you're feeling crappy...
And Wendi...My sister, I love you with all my heart and I dont' know what i'd do without you, I need to get ym ass over to MN!
I miss D!
Love for always