Jill is comining tonight.. but i won't get to see her until 11:15 cause thats when i get off work, which sucks. blah, I HATE haveing two jobs. i want to quit best buy but i can't.
i don't know what we're gunna do this weekend. Probablly shop? i dunno. i have SO much fucking homework to do! All the books I brought home today wiegh 50 lbs.
1. How many people on your myspace friends list are exes?
i think one.
2. What is your favorite part of the chicken?
all white meat breasts!
3. What's your favorite town?
welll... I haven't been to many really cool places.. soo downtown st. louis or U city.
4. How did you end your last relationship?
I didn't, he did.
5. What's the first word that comes to mind right now?
6. When was the last time you saw your mom in person?
45 seconds ago
7. Whats the best insult you've ever heard or said?
hahahahahahahahahaha.... a certain someone called me "fatty mcfatterson" (perfect timing on that question)
8. Who got you to join myspace?
hahah this really gross kid and drew minor
9. What did you have for dinner LAST NIGHT?
umm.. a qdoba steack queso burrito
10. How long have you been at your current job?
Hot Topic- 6 months
Best Buy- 1 month
11. Is Tom on your friends list?
haha no
12. What's the last thing you said outloud?
I told my sister to shut the fuck up.
13. Look to your left. What's there?
my stupid sister who won't shut the fuck up
14. What is the last thing/person you spent over $100 on?
15. Who's your favorite villain?
any batman villain execpt mr freeze and poison ivy and cruella de'vil
16. Whats the last piece of clothing you borrowed from someone?
17. Whats the last piece of clothing you bought?
a winter coat for brett
18. What word makes you laugh no matter where, when or how?
anything that brett says
19. What website do you visit the most during the day?
myspace, stlpunk, photobucket
20. Go into your text message log on your phone...what does the 3rd one say?
from aubrey: haha. double date then?