I'm Just Your Ordinary Average Everyday Sane Psycho Super-Goddess

Apr 28, 2004 14:01

And I'm forever looking for a job. It's not that I can't keep one. I just end up getting signed up with all of these temp agencies. For example, I'm about to sign up with another one because after applying for jobs on HoustonChronicle.com, Monster.com, and HotJobs.com... I'm about to completely lose my fucking mind!!!

I HATE not having any money. I have got to get out of this money slump. Now, I'm about to sound like a primadonna/diva but I have got to vent somewhere. I need the following items ;;

1) MAC StudioFix, MAC Soundtrip, MAC Bronzer, Sephora Fake Eyelashes

2) My hair cut AND colored. I'm starting to look like trailer-park trash *no offense to anyone who lives in a trailer park

3) Some new kicks. Two preferrably... One pair of Pumas and one pair of Adidas.

4) Going out clothes.

5) A manicure and pedicure.

6) And some jeans that fit me... I don't have any that fit me properly. Blasted BIG BOOTY!!!!

7) A bathing suit.

Speaking of bathing suits... my family and I are planning on going to South Beach *Miami* this summer!!!


Well I've been really good at being bad
For example, last Friday Gloria and I went to Drink and my favorite bartender whipped us up a shot called The Five Star General... GOOD GODDESS ALMIGHTY!!! That was some potent schtuff. It's made with Jägermeister, 151 proof rum, Rumple Minze, Goldschlager, and Tequila. Certainly not for the weak.

So I went to this hip hop function and ran into a lot of my old homeboys that I grew up with. I was working it. While one of the guys was in the bathroom, I was giving so-and-so my phone number and another cat asked me out to dinner. I got all of that "networking" done in 3 minutes time.

Then the guy who shall remain nameless... ended up coming home with me. We started to watch "Kill Bill" but then we fell asleep. Believe me, it was completely G-rated.

Alright, I need to burn me a workout CD. I'm going to attempt to look good in a bikini. I haven't worn one since I was probably 5.
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