inspired by hemingway

May 31, 2010 01:07

"For sale: baby shoes, never worn."

So I was looking for writing prompts today and came across this six word story by Ernest Hemingway. Instead of doing six word stories like he did, I decided to do something a little different. These are twitter length stories, partially inspired by Hemingway and partially inspired by a silly story I'm writing with echoestwilight on twitter:



For a smile, she opens herself up. She loves. She laughs. & when she burns, she tries to lock herself closed. The key no longer fits.


Somedays, I wish I could live beneath the grass. I'd socialize with rollie pollies, and together we'd learn why life is worth the heartache.


On a whim, she asks him why the sky is blue. He takes her hand and lets the decomposing leaves beneath their fingers answer her question.


There is a moment after the love letters have started to burn, when the ink glows, the paper flickers grey, and she regrets this decision.


If I made you popcorn, if I gave you the left side of the bed, if I didn't complain about the toilet seat, would you stay a little longer?

tweet drabbles, original fiction

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