February 24th, the date which I call my birthday, is today. Around this time I usually make sure I post on here about what I'm doing for my birthday and or what happened during it. But this entry, I looked back on the past 7 years I've been doing this on open diary and other various sites. I've come to realize that my life hasn't changed. I'm become more mature and older, but the person that I am truly, hasn't changed.
I still complain about the same stuff... mainly work
I still complain about being single and my love life being for shit
I still ramble and not make sense regarding anything
I just dont know. I've come this far and this is what I have to show for it?
You know, people make new years resolutions since its the new year and all. I think people should make birthday resolutions. I'm sure people do... but I think it makes more sense that way.
I need to change a lot of my bad habits... I want this year to be a new me... I want to be able to write in here a year from now saying... wow, I cant believe I've come this far, and that I have all of this. I want to be able to come here and say that everything has happened in the past 8 years made me for who I am today, and that if it wasn't for all of that, I wouldn't be me.
Anyways *ps I got side tracked while writing this entry*
So this is what I want to accomplish by my next birthday...
- Move out on my own... as scary as that sounds deep down inside of me.. I really want my own place.
- Find a real job
- Have a WWII toy... I'm talking about a jeep
- be in a somewhat committed relationship.
- Plus some other unnamed goals...
I think those are reasonable goals...
As far as what I actually did on my birthday... well I'll save that for a later date. So thats all I have.. I guess we'll see where I am a year from now...
.... heres to turning 23