Jeeves, being broke, and other random things....

May 15, 2010 23:21

So, my phone has decided that it hates me.  It'll only send and receive text messages when it wants to.  Anyway, last night, Cliff got home from the shop at about 10:15 and asked if I'd heard from Jeeves (my friend Julia).  I said no, and he said that he'd gotten a text from her that she needed me to call her.  I got worried and called her.  She's been dating this 19 year old guy who works for (I shit you not) the circus.  Apparently, she just found out that she's pregnant and he's being really distant and pulling away from her.  She was so upset, it was breaking my heart.  I wanted to be back in Texas, grab her in a big hug and tell her things would be okay.  It killed me that I couldn't do that.  I was a bit hurt at one point when she said she didn't want to tell me at first because she thought I'd be mad at her.  I told her honestly that everyone makes mistakes and why did she think I'd be mad?  She said because she'd done something stupid.

Cliff and I are both mostly broke, but at least we're broke because we're on our own and not because I'm paying my mom all my money....

It's so damn green here....they didn't get the memo that it's Spring though...It's been chilly all week.....
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