Santa Baby

Jun 12, 2010 13:56

Title: Santa Baby
Author: AmericanAffair
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
POV: 3rd
LOLOLOL. I actually had a laughing fit when I thought of this.
Santa role play ft. Lap dancing :'D
Thank you Itunes for letting me listen to christmas songs half way through the year.
It was ofc Santa Baby :L
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone. They belong to each other themselves. Title is from... that Christmas song Santa Baby. I really don't remember.
Author Notes: This was so much fucking fun to write, so thank you so much for the request room94 . Make more. By the way, if you guys love me, I'm looking for a beta! Hit me up! I live in Maine, USA, so time zones are pretty much on your plate. But again, hit me up! Comments are love, and next chapter of Sunken Eyes is up tomorrow.

For some people, especially teenage and young- to mid-twenties girls, working in a mall is the coolest thing ever. Free stuff, good discounts, privileges the average mall attendee doesn't get. But once you work there, you've got it all.

Alex didn't really like his job in the mall. It wouldn't be described as even remotely fun. He was hit on by every girl that walked into Abercrombie, and whoever didn't notice him made sure to make their visit by the time they walked out. A few of the guys where just as bad.

Being hit on by hot girls wasn't a horrible thing, it wasn't his favorite, but it wasn't horrible. Especially considering his boyfriend didn't enjoy sitting and watching. Though it kind of made it better for when they got home and he took out the jealous frustration using his cock.

It made it a lot better, actually.

He did feel bad for his boyfriend, Jack, to be totally honest. Out of everyone in the mall that worked there, they'd asked him to fill in for a week when the guy that was supposed to dress up as Santa couldn't be there. Considering Jack was skinnier than most girls, and well over the six feet mark, he was a surprising choice.

But he was sitting there, dressed up in the costume with pillow padding to make him appear rounder, and red on his cheeks and nose.

And Alex felt really bad, at this moment, because the kid on his lap was throwing a full out tantrum about having to sit there, and Jack kept shooting a nearby elf a needy look that was never acted upon.

Finally, screamer was pulled off his lap and taken away as some quiet little girl climbed on. All was well.

"Do you have these in a size 6?" A girl asked Alex, holding up a pair of jeans. He wanted to tell her she should be looking for 8's, but that would cost him his job. Again. But the last girl had been asking for it, after she'd hit on him desperately and tried to get him to help her pick out lingerie.

"Here," he held up what she'd been looking for and she thanked him, then continued to look around for anything else she might've wanted.

Jack still looked miserable, and it must've been like 800 degrees in that "red suit of hell", as Jack had started calling it. He wanted to go rush out there and do something, but a lot of parents would become very pissed off people if he sat on Jack's lap and started making out with him.

The girl reappeared at the cash register he was working and paid for her clothes that he was sure where all a size too small, and looked around at the meager Christmas decorations that had been spread around the store. Some ornaments here, garland there. It really wasn't festive. And to him, there was no such thing as a store too cool to be not festive. Only too lame and cheap.

"Hey," he sat down next to Jack during their lunch break. They'd let him take the suit off, but he still had the Santa hat on.

"Hey," Jack nodded his head and took a bite of the mall's overgreased Chinese food.

"How where the kids today?" Alex asked, already knowing the answer.

"I hate them, Lex you gotta save me," he pouted.

"I just can't figure out why they thought you should be Santa. Seriously," Alex shook his head and continued on eating his food.

"It's because Boss is evil and is getting coal for Christmas," Jack pouted more and looked at the Chinese food with disgust as he took another bite.

"How do you know he's getting coal?" Alex asked.

"All of us fake Santa's call the real Santa so we know what's going down. It's like, the only perk," Jack finally grinned. "I know what your getting for Christmas," he teased as he poked Alex's shoulder with the butt of his fork.

"And what would that be?"

"Hot sex under the mistletoe," Jack smirked and gave up trying to eat the awful food, instead drinking his Coke.

"Jack, don't people usually kiss underneath mistletoe?" Alex smiled back, rolling his eyes as Jack attempted to steal his food. He let him, this time.

"It's time for a change," Jack decided, looking triumphant.

"Right," Alex agreed and took the empty trays up to throw away. They walked back to their work together, since they were both stationed at the other side of the mall.

"So I'm like working after hours tonight or something," Jack said as they made there way through the throngs of teenage girls, mothers
pushing around their baby, and lost looking men.

"After hours?" Alex looked at him, confused. "Like the janitors?"

"I'm supposed to help put away the display or something. Like, it's only me," Jack frowned again.

"Dude, Boss must hate you," Alex patted his back.

"I know! Even the janitors get to go home early cause' it's Christmas Eve!" Jack whined and Alex couldn't help but laugh, but faked it with a look of innocence when Jack glared. "Will you stay? Pretty please and I'll let you top?"

"If I'm not too tired," Alex winked as he walked back into the store and Jack headed to the locker rooms to reluctantly pull his Santa suit back on.

"They're gonna hear us," Jack giggled as Alex landed on his lap and pecked his lips.

"No one's here, I checked," Alex smiled. "Besides, my boyfriends got the master keys."

Jack shoved his hand in his pocket, pulling out the shiny mass of unlockers. "This be true."

"So, what are we supposed to do, exactly?" Alex sprawled out in Jack's lap and yawned, fairly content.

"Clean this shit up," Jack grumbled unhappily.

"Why can't someone else do it?"

"Because this will get me a hell of a lot of extra cash. So I can buy you pretty things to make you have sex with me," Jack teased.

"Are you trying to say you can buy my ass?" Alex frowned and playfully hit Jack's arm.

"Once you see what I'm really getting you."

Alex swung his legs so he was sitting in Jack's lap much like a child would who was sitting with Santa. "I know what I want for Christmas," he purred in his ear.

"Well, tell Santa now," Jack faked a deeper voice and pulled his beard up onto his chin.

"It's a little bit much," Alex bit his lip. "I don't know if you can handle it."

"I can handle anything," Jack puffed his chest out and attempted to flex his biceps, even though they were hidden by his layer of pillow "fat".

"All I want is a hot, sexy guy to bend me over and then let me ride him after," Alex whispered in his ear, before gingerly taking one of Jack's hands and pulling the glove off slowly. With just as much gentle movement, he took his index finger and licked the pads of his fingertip.

"Alex Gaskarth," Jack scolded as he took his hand back. "That puts you on the naughty list."

"Am I gonna get coal this year?" Alex pouted.

"You'll get something, though it'll probably have more to do with a certain North Pole."

"Oh?" Alex slipped his hand down to squeeze Jack's cock, feeling him half hard, maybe even a little less. He wasn't into it as much as Alex decided he should've been, and that was not a good thing.

He climbed off from Jack's lap, looking around and surveying for a cd player, speakers, something, until he spotted one beside a candy cane. The music choices weren't great, but someone had left a Greatest Christmas Hits disk. Alex had no clue what was on the CD, but pressed play and sauntered his way back to where Jack was.

"It's impolite to keep others waiting," Jack made grabby hands, but Alex continued to stand just a few feet away instead of making a move to sit on his lap.

"I'm just trying to work my way off the naughty list," Alex winked and heard the intro to some song start up.

"I thought you said others couldn't buy your ass with presents," Jack laughed, breaking character for just a second.

"I never said I couldn't buy others with my ass," Alex grinned and heard a woman begin to sing. He grinded his hips lightly, trailing his hands down to his belt loops and throwing his head back. He let Jack watch, teasing both of them.

Alex turned around so slowly, dropping down and taunting with a shake of his hips, before snapping back into standing upright.

"I don't think that'll work," Jack smirked as Alex walked closer, hearing the last verse of the chorus play.

"Why? Is my ass not good enough? Because I think-"

"You don't have an ass Lex, that's how you get these things so tight," Jack tugged at his skinny jeans.

"Fuck you," Alex laughed and straddled Jack's lap. "I'll buy them with my body. That's how I got you."

"Buying boys with your body puts you on the naughty list for years to come," Jack scolded. But he couldn't help but laugh at the next song
that belted out through the twenty dollar stereo. "Santa Baby? Seriously?"

"It sets a mood," Alex defended, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Pissy face?" Jack laughed.

"I refuse to finish this until you apologize for dissing my sexy Christmas songs."

"Alex Gaskarth," Jack sighed. "I formally apologize for making fun of your Christmas songs, they're totally giving me a boner right now."

"Oh?" Alex arched an eyebrow, pleased that Jack actually did apologize. "If you already have one, I guess I don't need to-"

"Teasing just gets you in trouble," Jack went back into his gruffer, yet attempt at jolly, voice. He reached out to grab Alex's waist and pull him on his lap, but Alex easily side-stepped his grasp and winked.

"Sit still," Alex ordered, giving Jack a look as he paused the song.

"And if I don't?"

"Then I won't get naked," Alex only smiled, tugging the corner of his shirt up a little, but quickly back down.

"Fuck you," Jack grumbled, but complied.

"Mean words, Santa," Alex grinned and turned back on the music, making his way to Jack and ensuring he wasn't going to move.

Alex seated himself on Jack's lap, barley, more almost on his knees. He brought his hips up, grinding to the beat, bringing his arms in the air to move with him. Like a wave. Of good looking lap dancing skills.

Jack's fingers were twitching for movement, like a kid with ADHD being told to sit still and take a standardized test. He groaned unhappily, and Alex only encouraged this by moving a little closer.

His long, thin arm made it's way carefully up Jack's shoulder, and fingers wound in his hair. Alex dipped back, pulling Jack down and folded with him, but let him go back up in seconds. Alex released the black and blond locks from his grasp.

By now, Jack was gripping the sides of the red and white stripped chair. His knuckles had turned white long ago.

Alex was enjoying himself, however. He turned around, letting his back face Jack while still sitting on his lap, and dove down. Arching his back and tilting his head just so on the way up. He heard Jack's gasp, but didn't call attention to it. He also chose not to call attention to the boner Jack had, because he'd rather Jack didn't call attention to his own problem.

"Fuck," Jack gripped Alex's arm. And Alex would've continued to take control, but this was like an iron fist, and he suddenly had an overwhelming feeling of how badly Jack wanted this. How desperately he needed this. To be in control, in power.

So Alex vanquished his powers as quickly as he'd found them.

"Fuck what?" Alex looked up, eyes full of taunting and laughter.

"Fuck you," Jack mumbled as he pulled Alex in for a bruising kiss, their favorite kind. The kind you can't forget, and you'll have marks to
remember by for some days or weeks.

Jack's hands were already pulling Alex's shirt off, letting it fall to the white tile floor in one swift and well practiced motion.

"Your getting good at this," Alex mumbled as Jack had his tight jeans on the ground just as fast. Leaving Alex clad in just his boxers, and Jack in a full on Santa suit.

"Your still in trouble," Jack whispered in his ear as he slipped his hand down the front of his boxers and swiped his thumb across the slit of Alex's cock.

"H-how do you plan t-to, to, go about t-this?" Alex tried to hold composure of some sort, but it was a posing issue with Jack's hand working magic on him.

"I've got something a little better than coal," Jack grinned and released Alex's dick, retracting his hand and bringing  his other arm around the older boys waist. "It's a bit less jolly, though."

"Fuck the Santa facade," Alex pouted.

"Bad words," Jack tsked. "Bad words from a bad mouth of a bad Alex."

"What do you plan on doing to this bad Alex?" He couldn't help but smile, but hid it to the best of his abilities. The thought process of Jack was evident on his face. All of his ideas were, though. That's how they'd met in the first place. Some people can eye fuck in a hidden manner, Jack Barakat however, could not.

"Fuck him senseless," Jack whispered in his ear. Hot breath tickled Alex's neck, and sent a shiver down his spine.

To anyone else, it would've seemed a little average. But not to Alex. It was a rare time Jack had him like this. Normally, Alex had a situation on it's knees in a matter of minutes. But right now, Jack had Alex so metaphorically tied up it was ridiculous.

"You sh-should get naked," Alex laughed as he took the Santa hat from Jack's head and put it on his own.

"Then get me naked," Jack said simply and leaned back, folding his arms above his head and resting on his hands.

Alex didn't need a response, no witty answer. Just began to furiously work at the buttons.

The buttons were a bitch, but the shirt Jack had on underneath was nothing. The over sized pants were one tug and off, pillows spilling to the floor, and Jack's tight jeans were no match for Alex when he wanted his boyfriend naked.

"Damn," Jack laughed, before that glazed look took his eyes and he pushed Alex back, his head and back hitting a soft pillow instead of the unforgiving tiles.

Jack straddled him, pulling Alex's and his own boxers off and scattering them in the Christmas wasteland surrounding them. What a politically correct mall.

"Lube?" Jack asked, realizing some things should be thought of before the hot sex.

But Alex was a quicker thinker, and dug behind him, handing it to Jack. "Banana flavored," Alex grinned. Even if it was a lame attempt at getting his boyfriend to rim him.

Jack lubed up the first finger. The first was always the worst, for some reason. It was the most unexpected, even though Alex heard everything open and pour onto Jack's hand, then snap shut. He laid there waiting, knowing but somewhat tense.

And Jack pushed in immediately, and all the tension melted into pleasure. They'd done this so many times, Jack knew exactly where to go, and added the second finger within three thrusts. And a third in two more.

He curled his fingers, brushing Alex's prostate in perhaps a record time. He jolted in surprise and ecstasy, hot white heat burning up his back and putting his mind in an endless loop of needing more.

"Your so obvious," Jack laughed as he pulled his fingers out and Alex whimpered. But now he knew. Now, everything was clear to him. Jack would push himself back, lowering himself near Alex's entrance.

Alex gripped the pillows until his hands hurt, like holding on and tubing. Pain. He was sure they would be all twitchy and double jointed later, but later wasn't now.

And he felt Jack's tongue slide, teasing and testing. Another shake. "Oh fuck," Alex moaned and ripped a hand free, tangling it in Jack's Santa hat hair.

Then Jack pushed in deeper, slipping his tongue everywhere he knew Alex couldn't handle. When he knew that Alex was losing himself, he pulled out and gasped before laughing at the sight in front of him.

"I've never," he said between breaths and resituating himself on top, "rimmed and then fucked someone-"

"Oh really?" Alex's voice held the infliction of want, and need.

"Who was wearing a Santa hat," Jack finished with a lazy grin.

Alex opened his mouth in response, but all his vocal chords let slip from his lips was a slightly melodramatic gasp when Jack thrust in, and a moan when he started a pace they both knew well and couldn't get over.

It wasn't fast, it wasn't slow. It was one perfect motion, one perfect song with Jack as the treble and Alex as the bass staff.

Jack was too caught up in the feeling of Alex around him, even from all that preparation, he wasn't slippery and loose. So tight, hot, needy. His eyes were shut tight, his mouth was forming that perfect 'O'.

Alex Gaskarth will never go out of style.

However, Jack decided he fucked him like Alex was.

And finally, his body gave up with well controlled thrusts of sharp hips, and he went slightly sloppy and off the deep end. A familiar feeling pooled in the pit of his stomach, and he came with a sharp snap and moan.

Alex was next, he'd only needed to wrap a hand around his cock and pump once to be coming on his chest.

They both laid, exhausted, and naked on a mall floor.

Jack took his shirt he decided he really didn't need, and wiped them both off, before taking a good shot and landing it in the garbage can.

"Dude, I can't fucking wait for Halloween."

pairing!jalex, top!jack, bottom!alex, rating:nc-17, content!rimming

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