A Little Less Sexy, A Little More Disney

Jun 09, 2010 17:51

Title: A Little Less Sexy, A Little More Disney
Author: AmericanAffair
Pairing: Rydon
Rating: R? PG-13?
POV: 3rd
Summary: When Ryan Ross shows up at your house with weed and a smile, you open the door a little wider and tell him to come in.
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone. They belong to each other themselves. Title is from Fall Out Boy with some word alterations.
Author Notes: I have no clue where I got the idea, but I'm kinda glad I did. I have some NC-17 Jalex for later, but my stoner fic made me smile too much to not post.

If Brendon Urie had learned one thing, out of anything, from being in Panic At The Disco, it was quite simple.

When Ryan Ross shows up at your house with weed and a smile, you open the door a little wider and tell him to come in.

So now, like many times before, they were laying on Brendon's kitchen floor, baked out of their minds. They couldn't smoke up as much in Ryan's shitty apartment, because the people on his floor where starting to get suspicious. And thin walls don't conceal much.

Brendon found he suddenly could not control himself from the side-splitting laughter bubbling up inside of him. Whatever it was, he apparently found so hilarious everyone had to know. Everyone.

"What's so funny?" Ryan frowned as Brendon strained to keep from laughing, but eventually failed and clutched his stomach in agony of hilarity and pain. Ryan took a skinny finger to jab his ribs.

"N-nothing," he was now rolling on the floor in pure stoner joy.

Ryan pouted. "No fair, tell me!" He jumped on Brendon and tackled him, demanding to be told his joke.

"I, I was just thinking," and he bust into another round of hysteria.

"Well no shit, never done that before," Ryan crossed his arms and stared Brendon down until he pulled himself into the sitting position and wiped the few tears from his eyes.

"I was thinking about the Disney Princesses-"

"Dude, Disney Princesses?" Ryan cocked his head and was overtaken by the feeling of regret for even starting the subject of Disney with the boy. If someone assumed he talked about Disney a lot, they'd never even fucking met him when he was high. It didn't matter where, what the subject was, nothing. Disney.

"Yes! And I was like, well, who would be who. Y'know? Like who would Gabe be, and who would you be, and who would Bill be," Brendon rambled on and waved his arms here and there for effect.

"And you decided?"

"Well, who's the latino? Jasmine?" Brendon bit his lip, trying to recall the tan one. Which was a very helpful base, because really, all the Disney Princess are pale as fuck.

"She's like Middle Eastern," Ryan corrected, remembering the magic carpet. It would be really sweet to have a magic carpet. He could do shit you just couldn't do with a regular carpet.

"Yeah, tan? Well that's totally Gabe."

"Why?" The logic, to Ryan, just wasn't there.

"Well, she's tan dude!" Brendon waved his arms to somehow show the tan level.

"But she's Middle Eastern. Like what's-his-name. Jack. She's Middle Eastern like Jack Barakat."

"But we're only talkin' bout people on our label, if we weren't, then yes Jack would be Jasmine," Brendon explained and really, it did make perfect sense.

"Oh," Ryan nodded his head in total agreement.

"And Spencer is Cinderella. Cause' of the hair and the eyes. And he's pretty during the day, but at night he turns into this evil monster that gives me a bitchface," Brendon pouted.

"But Cinderella was pretty during the night," Ryan pointed out.

"Spencer's a little different," he shrugged.

"Right," Ryan again agreed. But he couldn't help but wonder if Brendon had figured this out sober and remembered when he was high. "Who's Ariel?"

"Haley, they both got the red hair," and that one makes perfect sense to both of them, not questioning needed. "Bill is Mulan," Brendon
giggled and almost went into another fit of laughter.

"Why's Bill Mulan? Wasn't she Asian?"

"Because she was a she, but she dressed up like a he because she wanted to fight in the war. And like everyone knows that Bill is secretly a girl, but acts like a he to drive fangirls mad." Brendon rolled his eyes and laid down on the floor for a minute, and Ryan laid down beside him.

"A point well made," he poked the other boys ribs for the second time, which earned a glare from Brendon. "What about Pocahontas?"

Brendon scrunched his face up and looked to be deep in consideration. "Maybe Jon?"

"Jon?" Ryan raised an eyebrow and propped himself up on an elbow.

"Well don't they both were flip flops?" Brendon moved and copied the position.

Ryan thought for a minute, trying to remember the movie. "I don't know, man. All I remember where the swirly leaves and she sang to the blonde guy."

"Well Jon sang to Spencer," Brendon reminded him of the birthday party and Angels and Kings they were still trying to forget.

"I suppose," he agreed finally, still not sold that Jon and Pocahontas were matches.

"Nate is Belle, because Alex is clearly a beast."

"Do you think Travie would be Snow White?" Ryan finally asked, after a moment of brief silence and the checking to make sure a towel
was under the door and the windows where wide open.

"He does make us all feel like dwarves," Brendon rubbed his chin as though he had a philosophers beard.

"That's what I was thinkin'," Ryan told him simply as he laid flat on his back once more. "So are we like not Disney Princesses?"

"Nah," Brendon shook his head. "I always figured I'd be like Goofy or something."

"Dude, you'd totally be Mickey," Ryan shook his head and giggled at the idea of Brendon in one of those silly costumes attempting to sign
his name for screaming five year olds. He would love every ridiculous second of it.

"You'd be Minnie," Brendon added in.

"I'm glad we got this sorted out," Ryan smiled as he rolled closer to Brendon.

There was another five full minutes of silence, until Brendon started giggling again.

"What now?" Ryan groaned.

"I was thinking-"

"You don't say."

"About who would be who from Star Trek."

rating:r, slash, pairing!rydon

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