Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner

Apr 22, 2011 03:15

Title: Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner
Author: americanaffair
Beta:  earthtomaddy 
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
POV: 3rd
Summary: “Close your eyes, baby,” he whispered, kissing his lips.
Warning: Infantilism, dirty talk, spanking, humiliation, something almost fluffy, epic amounts of Alex being adorable and blushing.
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone used in these works, I do however own the words. The title is from Fall Out Boy.
Author Notes: Holy fuck dude. I never thought I'd see the day this got done. But thanks to Maddy (earthtomaddy ) and Rachel (neverlitamatch) it's been actually completed. Wow. I think it was just the push I needed to actually start writing more. And I'm no trying to rope myself into a sequel, but I've kind of promised myself that if this is well received I could picture writing a second part. I tried to be as honest to both kinks as I could, but I'm sorry if this lets some people down. Either way, it's DONE MOTHER FUCKERS. Lastly, AmericanAffair loves having the pleasure to pleasure you. Please comment for more dirtiness.


“Shut up and trust me?” Jack begged, again that lower lip was jutting out. “I think this could be really good for us. I swear!”

Alex lifted up his head again in slight protest, but dropped back down in submission.

“I knew you'd see it my way,” Jack kissed his cheek, palming him lightly to feel he was growing harder. “You really like my idea, huh? Just wait till' you see what else I've got.”

Up to this point, Alex was privately freaking out. He had no idea what Jack had in store, but of course he was already hard. Excitement, after all, he'd awaited this moment and this... this fantasy for so long now. Always waiting, but never expecting.

Jack lead the boy by hand into the kitchen, caressing his index finger with his thumb in gentle reassurance. “Calm down,” Jack murmured, pulling him close and pushing away a few strands of hair before kissing his forehead.

“It's not that easy,” Alex whimpered, as arms closed around him.

“You want this?” Jack asked.

He felt Alex nod into his shoulder.

“I want this too,” Jack kissed wherever he could, not caring. “You need to trust me.”

“ I trust you Jack,” Alex bit his lip and looked down. “I trust you, Jacky.” He repeated quickly.

Jack just giggled and pulled him into the kitchen further. “Fear not, we just have a few rules to keep this painless.”

Alex cringed lightly.

“Not that it would've been painful, anyway,” his voice was fast and helpful. “But, um, have a seat,” he pulled out a chair, instructing Alex to sit beside him at their apartments small kitchen table. It was rarely used. “So we talked about what you call me?”

“J-Jacky,” Alex was blushing deep red right now and Jack found it so much more adorable than he could stand.

“And you gotta do what I say. Because I know what's best for you,” Jack's finger was stroking underneath his chin to maintain eye contact.


“The safe word is mosaic,” Jack grinned, pressing a kiss to the hand he held. “If you're uncomfortable, say it and I'll stop. No matter what. Okay?”

“Okay, Jacky,” Alex looked up with a small smile and his eyes were nearly hazed over in excitement.

“Come 'ere,” Jack couldn't contain his own happiness and eagerness. He'd honestly suspected this about Alex for awhile now, seeing his browsing history from time to time to slowly putting two and two together.

Of course, he was promptly enticed by the idea. Alex was always so dominant, so strong. To have him like this was a dream come true. Have him as his, just this once. And the idea itself was a bit of a turn on, maybe not the serious baby side of it, but Alex when he was four was so goddamn adorable otherwise. He just wanted to cuddle the picture he'd stumbled across when he'd searched Google for All Time Low.

Looking over his shoulder, all he could see was the just slightly shorter boy rocking back and fourth on his heels, toying gently with his fingers, looking at Jack expectantly.

So out of his element. So goddamn sexy. If possible, he was much hotter when submissive. The younger decided Alex would cease being in control, he looked so cute unsure.

And Jack couldn't help himself but to stop them from their trek into the bathroom and take Alex's hand, pressing his thumb into his mouth and kissing his nose.

“Fuck, you're so adorable,” he told him, seeing Alex's cheeks color yet again. “Don't be embarrassed, baby boy, it'll be fun. We just gotta get a bath.”

Alex rolled his eyes, letting Jack take his other hand for the millionth time that day and bring him into the bathroom, bath already drawn.

“I had some time this morning,” Jack shrugged.

Alex's thumb dropped from between his pink lips as his hands skimmed to the hem of shirt, tugging upwards, and ceasing when Jack pushed them down.

“Let me,” he giggled, pressing his hands underneath and removing the shirt in an easy fashion. It fell to atop the hamper inside-out, forgotten by both. Jack fell to his knees, pulling down Alex's boxers in one sharp move his muscles knew all too well. His finger tapped gently on the boy's ankle bone, asking him to move over so those too could be thrown amongst.

Alex stood, awkwardly and waiting patiently upon Jack's next instructions.

Jack moved to stand, but before he did, pressed his lips to Alex's navel and heard him giggle lightly. “You're such,” he continued to kiss his way all the way up to Alex's lips. “A doll.”

The other sighed happily, enjoying Jack's affection.

“Now,” Jack rested his open palm on the small of Alex's back and pushed him lightly near the bath. “In.”

One long leg swung over the white porcelain, then another, as Alex's body slowly sank into the perfectly tempered water, his knees popping up to breach the surface due to his height.

Jack grinned happily, handing him a rubber duck, which Alex took with a small, grateful smile.

He reached for a little cup, taking water and pouring it over Alex's head to wet his hair enough. It took around ten attempts, due mainly to thickness. And the added difficulty of reaching everywhere without getting too much to go either right down Alex's face or nowhere near his hair at all. But when he was finally pleased, he reached for their blue bottle of shampoo, spreading it liberally on his hands and then working it deeply into Alex's scalp. He knew how OCD his boyfriend could be over his hair.

Alex sat, content, his eyes closed happily as Jack rubbed deeply into his hair and made sure to coat everything with the white bubbles. The duck swished around in front of him.

“All clean!” Jack praised himself, pouring the last cup of water over Alex's hair and running his hand through it to ensure that all of the soap had been washed away. He pulled the plug, and both listened as the water ran through the drain, creating a tornado effect that sent the little rubber duck in circles.

He pulled his hand, helping Alex to get out and steadying him back on the blue fuzzy carpet. There was a towel laid out beside the sink, which Jack grabbed and patted Alex down until he was pleased with his ability to clean someone else possibly better than he could clean himself. “I guess, now, you need...” Jack tapped three fingers, looking up at the ceiling for help.


“I like you better naked,” Jack pouted, kissing him again. “But yes, clothes are probably a good idea. To the bedroom it is!” He was holding Alex's hand in a close grip, which he had been doing wherever they went in the apartment all day. No matter what they needed, how close the room, Jack held Alex's hand and led him there.

Inside their room, the curtains were still (thankfully) drawn, but the clothes had been cleaned up and Jack must've also made the bed while Alex was... somewhere, asleep. “Now what should you wear today?”

The elder, but only by calender age, was seated on the edge of the bed, head on his knuckles and elbows on his knees. He shrugged.

“Okay then.” Jack rolled his eyes and scanned the closet, pulling out what he found appropriate. And by appropriate, it was what Jack personally found easiest to remove off from Alex when things got hot and heavy.

It wasn't hard to get Alex dressed, but Jack wouldn't let him touch the clothes himself. Jack pulled the both the briefs and the jeans all the way up his legs, doing the zipper and buttons. Jack pulled the shirt over his head after making him stick his arms up, and Jack rolled his eyes and shook his head no when Alex pointed to a scarf.

“You're missing something,” he clicked his tongue, staring at Alex, who was dressed in average day to day clothes. “You're supposed to be my baby boy.” That smirk. Oh damn that perfect smirk.

Alex's stomach felt as though it was doing Olympic floor routine worthy acrobatics when Jack came back, something slightly jutting out of his pocket. “Close your eyes, baby,” he whispered, kissing his lips.

But the feel of Jack's soft mouth upon his own was replaced.

With plastic?

Before Alex realized what he had in mind, he felt the knob part of a pacifier intruding his mouth. It was clearly flavored with something, because after his tongue swished over it a few times, a much better flavor was being emitted into his mouth that made him feel eased with sucking on it.

“I might've gotten one of those flavored ones and filled it with Margarita mix,” Jack shrugged and laughed. Alex smiled from behind the blue sort-of butterfly shape with a Blues Clues center. Jack had seen Barney, but all that made him think of was pot. So that was a no go.

He gazed at Alex's for a minute, watching how his lips moved and Adams apple bob as he sucked and swallowed, hearing the noises he made doing such. The focused look caused Alex to get a bit self conscious, yet again, a blush coloring his cheeks as he glanced down.

“Don't be embarrassed. You just... I didn't think this would be as much of a turn on as it is,” Jack admitted, kissing his forehead. “Now, shall we go watch a movie?”

Alex nodded quickly, already learning, because his hand stuck out to reach Jack's before the other even motioned or just did it himself.

In the living room, Jack searched around to decide which movie they wanted to watch. Their collection was admittedly admirable, but it was a tough choice, nonetheless.

“Home Alone?”

Alex shook his head no, also making a muffled noise.


A louder muffled noise.

“Fine,” Jack turned, again searching through everything to find something that seemed worth watching. “Saw 3?”

Alex's eyes doubled in size, but he nodded eagerly.

“You sure?” The younger was laughing, an unconvinced expression. Alex didn't do well with Saw, other horror movies were fine, but this franchise had never really sat well with him.

He said something like positive, so Jack pushed the movie into their DVD player and pressed play.

“If you get scared, just tell me,” he promised, laying down on the couch and pulling Alex in until their bodies crashed together and you couldn't slip a piece of paper between the singer's back and the guitarist's chest.

Again, Alex nodded again to what he said, sucking slightly harder on the pacifier in his mouth and curling a hand around the one Jack had laid over his stomach.

“Kay,” Jack murmured.

An hour in, and there was a trembling mess seated on Jack's lap. They'd moved to the sitting position because, well, he wasn't really sure, but Alex had pulled himself up so Jack decided he should be on his lap.

The grotesque scenes played out in front of them, more and more was Alex clinging into Jack and sucking harsher on the plastic in his mouth.

“You want it off?” Jack whispered, pushing back the hair near his ear to allow him to press a kiss on the tender skin directly below, knowing it was one of Alex's spots.

“Mhm,” he whimpered, curling his knees into his chest when Jack stood up to turn off the TV and DVD player.

“I told you that you wouldn't like it,” Jack rolled his eyes, sitting back down beside Alex. “What should we do know?”

Alex looked around, unsure, and lifted his finger to point at the pacifier in between his lips.

“You want it out?” Jack asked, a bright smile at how well Alex was taking to this.

An eager nodded answer, and Jack was pulling it from his mouth, placing it gingerly on the coffee table to keep from any germs. “What else did you get for today?” Alex bit his lip, cuddling closer in Jack's lap and staring at him with a deer in the headlights look.

“Stuff,” he winked, toying with hair at the nape of the elders neck.

“I wanna know,” Alex rested his head on the others shoulder. “Pretty please?”

“Only because you asked nicely,” Jack laughed, kissing atop his head. “I bought the pacifier, which we are seriously using again. A bottle, which we really don't have to use, but I wasn't sure about what you wa-”

“It's okay,” Alex thumbed the collar of Jack's GK shirt. “I love you so much for even doing this.”

“ I did it because I love you,” Jack reminded him, pulling up his chin to bring their lips together.

“Did you get anything else?” Alex wondered aloud.

“Diapers,” Jack rolled his eyes and laughed, but stopped when he saw Alex's reaction. “No, chill, wait. Don't freak out. There is no law that says they ever must be used, ever.”

Alex breathed a sigh of relief, giggling at his lack of thought. “I was about to flip shit.”

“I noticed,” Jack responded, laying down and pulling Alex on top of him. “Did I mention how much more I like you submissive yet?”

“Not verbally,” Alex smiled kissing him and resting one knee between Jack's spread legs. “You should tell me your fantasy now.”

“I don't think-”

“Jacky,” Alex pleaded, nuzzling his collarbone with his nose.

“Well... I'm, kind of, sort of,” Jack drawled, running words around in the air.



“Like, inflicting pain on others?” Alex asked, running his fingers through Jack's black hair.


“Oh,” Alex looked content. Not surprised, not shocked, but also not disappointed. Just content. Still processing the information. He then reached again for the pacifier, a move which Jack was confused to see.

“ Let me,” he laughed, looking at Alex as he blushed red. “It's cute.” He watched again at how perfect he looked. “So what do we do now, now?”

Alex shrugged again, pointing his index finger towards the fridge.

“Food?” Jack smiled. “I'm not giving you a fucking cup of Ramen.”

The older did his best attempt at pouting, drinking in the margarita mix.

“In order to eat, you have to take that out of your mouth,” Jack slipped his finger in the little handle on the front of the pacifier, pulling it from Alex's mouth with a popping noise.

Alex's tongue slipped out to lick at his lips, tasting the last of flavor.

“What do you want?” Jack asked, eying him from where he was, leaned up against the stove.

Again, he just shrugged.

“ Can you please make up your mind?” Jack teased, walking over and wrapping his arms around Alex's frame. “I like your fantasy,” he whispered in his ear, white teeth peaking out when his lips pulled back for him to lightly bite.

Alex groaned, bucking his hips into Jack instantly, having had been horny seemingly the entire day.

“Settle down, baby,” Jack pulled away, pressing their lips together one more time.

“Don't wanna,” Alex huffed, gripping the back of Jack's shirt to keep him from leaving.

“ Don't be fussy,” Jack raised his eyebrow. “Or we might get into my fantasy.”

Alex pouted, but his fingers let the fabric slip away.

“Alright, let Jacky work his magic,” Jack grinned, gripping Alex's hand and leading him to the kitchen table, pulling out a chair and sitting him down. “I wish we had a highchair,” Jack bit his lip, looking at Alex. “Next time.”

“Next time?” Alex looked up, eyes wide in anticipation.

“Next time. And next time it won't be so cute, either,” Jack kissed the top of his head before walking into the kitchen, opening the fridge, and scouring it for something to make the two of them. “Spagettios?” He called out.

Alex nodded quickly.

“What's the word?” Jack laughed.


Jack opened the can, pouring the disgusting looking canned food into a pot and putting it onto the cheap stove's flame. He reached for a wooden spoon, slowly turning it around in the bloody orange mixture until little bubbles wandered up and exploded on the surface.

Being careful to not burn himself, he grabbed two clean bowls and poured an even amount into each.

“All good!” He grabbed two spoons, balancing the hot bowls on the flat of his arm between elbow and wrist.

“Thank you,” Alex grinned, reaching up to keep Jack from spilling the food all over the floor.

“Nuh uh,” Jack shook his head, putting both in front of him.

Alex looked confused, watching as Jack took a spoonful and blew on it lightly. He brought the spoon to his cheek, feeling the heat, and then lead it to Alex's lips.

He parted them slowly, and Jack brought the metal into his mouth, twisting it upside down to let Alex get everything on his tongue. He then retracted his arm, smiling as Alex chewed and swallowed quickly.


Alex grinned, nodding.

“I have something better!” Jack got up, skittering off into the bedroom and routing through the plastic WalMart bag until finally his fingers came across the soft fabric of which he'd been looking for.     “Eyes,” Jack said, holding what he'd gone searching for behind his back.

“What is it?” Alex was whining, but obliged.

He felt something wrap around his neck, resting softly on his chest. And despite really starting to hate how Jack felt the need to surprise him, he was in all honestly falling more and more in love with him simply by how much he cared and thought of these things. And more so, how he went through and did this on a whim. Alex's eyes opened, glancing down to set his sights upon what he already knew was there. A bib resting on his upper body.

“You'll be wearing the food otherwise. And to think, I slaved over a hot stove preparing a meal just for you to have it cover your shirt?” Jack pulled back out his chair, still laughing. “Oh, hell no. And don't go repeating those words, baby boy.”

Alex rolled his eyes and stifled laughter, his stomach clearly moving to clench giggles.

“Open up,” Jack gently took the spoon again, the food having had cooled off from his little bib run.

His lips made room for the object, sucking lightly to clean it.

“Good boy,” Jack praised, taking another spoonful and leading it up to Alex's slightly tinged red mouth.

Their meal continued in this fashion. Somehow, Jack managed to get some food on Alex's bib. Alex maintained that it was totally Jack, and that he is far too coordinated of an eater to ever get food anywhere but his mouth. But Jack just called him cute and put the pacifier back in his mouth, Alex blushed, and that was that.

He felt strangely, but admittedly calmer, with the soft plastic inside his mouth. Resting gingerly on his tongue, where he could tighten his lips and suck whenever he pleased. It also made blood drip, slowly but surely, into his hardening cock.

Watching Alex sit at the table, content with a pacifier in his mouth, Jack decided he could get really used to this whole
somewhere-in-between-baby-and-toddler thing. It was as though the cuteness was infecting his brain in some strange, paranormal fashion.

Jack had been noticing all day that Alex seemed to have a strong half-hard erection going. Some part of him wanted to just start palming him through his jeans, but he decided against it. Alex turned, feeling Jack's gaze on his body. His lips curved into a smile, tapping his fingers on the table. Alex probably would've said something, had he been able to speak clearly.

Jack walked back over, lending Alex his hand to pull him from the chair.

Alex mumbled something behind the pacifier, which could've been, “What else?” or, “Which elf?”

But the sort of question fell to deaf ears, as he continued being lead into their bedroom. His dick grew harder, sort of begging for sex now.

“Nap!” Jack sat down happily, tugging Alex down with him until the older (but sort of younger) boy was positioned on his lap.

“Mmpf?” Alex's eyes went from pleading, to confusion, to frustration in a matter of seconds. He also managed to spit the pacifier out. “Jack! No! Sex, please? Fuck, I'm, please?”

“Nap,” Jack smiled at Alex's frown, kissing the corner of his lips.

“No.” Alex pouted.

“What do you mean, no?” His eyebrow raised, smirking. Wondering if the disobedience came from further wanting to act like a child, exhaustion, or... something else. Then he wondered why he was actually noting this as disobedience and not Alex being Alex.

“No! Jacky, horny. Want sex, not sleep,” Alex's lips were on his neck, but Jack tugged away. His hands remained twisted in his shirt, Jack hadn't even noticed when they positioned themselves there.

“Wow, all your pouting makes you seem even younger. That what you want? Because, I'm no pedophile. I would never fuck a little boy,” Jack tusked, running his hands through Alex's hair and looking at him in some completely new way. A way of ownership.


“You can stop whining, I can go grab another surprise, and then go to sleep. I'll sleep in here too. Or you can keep whining and see what happens. Then I'll go grab more than one surprise, and eventually we'll sleep. Ball is in your court.”

Alex tried to rationalize. He understood what Jack meant. But this was all very new, and very sexy. It was foreign to see Jack's angry side, his dominating side. And Alex fucking loved it. He was eating it up and still hungry for more.

Inside, he knew that the right thing to do would be sacrifice his boner, that would surely get later attention, and have a nice, cuddly nap with Jack. But the other part of him, the more dangerous, kinkier, and curious side? It wanted to take that next step, push Jack over that last edge.

“Now, nap?” Jack smiled, trying to impose his good idea into Alex's brain. Because in the same way of Alex's conflicting choices, he too lusted after both. Both the punishment, the sight of Alex wriggling on his lap bare-assed, with red hand prints adorning the otherwise pale flesh. And to lay, cuddling, while he showed him the last of the surprises for the day.

But Alex shook his head, a glimmer of defiance running across his large brown eyes. “Not. Tired.”

“You so asked for this,” Jack whispered directly into his ear. The hot breath sent shivers down his spine. “Lemme tell you how this will go down, baby. First, I'm going to spank you.”

Alex almost moaned right then and there. Just the assurance in his voice, the authority over topping it.

“Then, I'm going to play with you. After, I might fuck you. And we'll end it with your last surprise leading us to nap time. With some dirty words, promises, and lots of you being a little slut for me thrown in. We on the same level? Good.” Jack bit down on his collarbone, loving how Alex cried out in pain and pleasure.

“Jacky-” Alex started, but was immediately pulled right over Jack's lap.

“That is exactly how you go from thirty to thirty five,” Jack smiled. Easily pulling down the tight pants he'd earlier chosen.

Underneath him, the little body squirmed. Of course, that ended with the first slap Jack brought down hard on his pale ass. Alex squeaked, a little whine escaping his throat. His dick was still pressing in hard to Jack's slim upper thigh.

“Aw, baby likes it when he gets punished? Hmm?” Jack adorned a smirk, loving the way Alex was groaning and wiggling around in his lap. Normally, he'd get him in further trouble for such a thing. But right now, he was just loving the way he moved along with those sweet little noises that accompanied his first spanking.

He licked his lips, again bring down his arm with brute force. “You make such pretty sounds, baby boy. I think you like getting in trouble. Just to get yourself over my lap. What a little fucking slut you are, Alex Gaskarth.” Jack's hands rubbed the flesh between Alex's ass and upper thighs, before slapping the tender skin harshly and repeatedly.

“Cutie,” Jack giggled, letting his arm go full force for the last of the thirty to thirty five swats. His hand was stinging in vulgar annoyance, but it was beyond worth it. “You are just loving this, huh? Slutty baby. Would you like it if I diapered you? Took you to a store and made you piss yourself? In front of whoever was there, just like a little fucking naughty baby that you are?” Jack's hand was pulling in Alex's hair, no longer raining down burning hits to his ass. “Tell me. Tell me that you're a fucking whore.”

“I-I,” Alex groaned, feeling Jack's other hand wrap around his straining dick. “I'm a fucking-”

“Finish,” Jack squeezed tightly. Pain shot through his body.

“A little fucking whore,” Alex chocked out, whimpering in the pain. But still loving it.

This side of Jack he'd never yet before seen. This delicious, sadistic, amazing side. He felt arms flip him over, pushing him onto their bed flat against his back.

“Time for fun? No more? Please, Jacky?” Alex smiled weakly, looking up at Jack with his big, pleading eyes.

Jack grinned back, looking calmer. “Fun. I can't be mean to my baby that long.” He nuzzled into his shoulder, feeling the older boy's body relax into the touch. “I'm gonna go get you some things.” Jack kissed his lips, feeling his head nod.

While Jack left, Alex wiggled out of his already somewhat removed clothes. Meanwhile Jack, in the hallway, held the cold lotion in his hand. While in the other was a bottle, filled with nothing other than milk.

“Hope you can adjust to that,” he kissed Alex's neck, moving behind him to uncap the bottle and apply soothing cream on his burning ass.

“It was fucking hot as hell,” Alex promised, moaning a little at the release of pain. “But I'm still hot as hell, too.” He pouted, turning to look at Jack.

“I think we can figure something out, for you being so-”

“And I really want daddy's special pacifier,” his eyes were wide and brimming with innocence. Yet also, with devilish intentions and the drive to do so.

“Oh,” Jack groaned, letting Alex crawl on him and push back his body.

He straddled his hips, leaning down to take Jack's throbbing cock in between his wet lips. Alex hollowed his cheeks, just waiting for the dirty talk to start itself back up. If there was one thing he knew for sure about Jack, that was his love of talking fucking filthy.

“You goddamn slut,” he shuddered out a breath, wrapping his fingers in Alex's somewhat short hair and feeling the boy's jaw go slack. Jack knew what he was letting him do, but something always restrained him when it came the time. Alex's tongue urged him, and his mouth slipped a little further up his shaft. Finally, Jack stopped restraining himself. His hips snapped, bucking down Alex's throat and fucking his mouth.

“Baby's loving this, huh?” He gasped, arching his back and letting loose. Alex moaned around his cock, making Jack groan
louder and let out little gasps of breath.

But then, seconds later, he felt Alex's jaw tighten a little. His quiet way of taking back control. Jack grinned, kind of preferring when Alex did what he wanted to. Some little part of him worried that the boy would let Jack choke him because he thought Jack liked it. And he would never, ever, go that far without one-hundred-percent consent.

So he savored as Alex rubbed his tongue up and down Jack's dick, lapping at the skin and working magic on the head.

“Mmm, mouth?” Jack barely made the question out coherently. Alex's blow jobs were, by far, his favorite. “You little cum slut.”

“Mmpf,” Alex whined around his cock. Jack came, hard. Filling his mouth and leaking down his throat. But Alex swallowed,

“Alright, you ready for your last surprise?” Jack grinned when the boy sat back up, wiping his hand across his lips and nodding. “And you're gonna be a good boy?” Alex nodded more.

He opened his arms, feeling Alex slink into place. Jack leaned down, kissing his bitten lips and lightly swishing his tongue along Alex's pearly whites. He started to pull back, pressing one last kiss to the corner of his lips. “Ta-da!” Jack smiled, pushing the bottle into Alex's mouth.

Alex laughed a little around the plastic nipple, wrapping his hands around the body of it and sucking down milk. When he felt Jack's other hand sliding down his abdomen and landing at his hard dick. The calloused fingers walked up and down his length, before sturdily wrapping around and starting to slowly pump Alex's leaking cock.

“Pretty, pretty, pretty baby. I'm thinking, we should do this more often?” Jack quickened his pace, but it was still slow.

The boy whined, still trying to choke down the last of the milk from the bottle. Alex's eyes were huge, watching every single one of Jack's movements. Chugging them like his drink. Their wideness appeared to make him even more childish to Jack, who twisted his wrist and heard Alex give a rather loud moan at the unexpected motion.

“Jack, pl-”

“Ahem?” Jack grinned, pausing. Knowing it would only take one more glide of his wrist and Alex would be loosing himself all over his hand.

“Jacky,” Alex smiled, seeing the nod of approval.

Jack's hand ran across his dick one more time, letting Alex spill out and whimper. He whimpered whenever he finally had release after it had been prolonged.

“Now, about us doing this more often?” Jack ran his clean hand along Alex's chest, kissing his neck softly to trail up to his ear.

“I could appreciate that,” Alex smiled, catching Jack's eyes. “You know I love you.”

“I love you more,” he kissed his lips. Not hard, not menacing. But meaningful, and full of care.     “Awesome, because I may or may not have gotten a babysitter.”

“You did what?” Alex rolled over quickly, glaring.

“Worry about it after,” Jack groaned, wrapping his arms back around Alex and nuzzling his nose into the back of his collarbone.

“Mmpf,” he sighed, feeling Jack press the pacifier back into his mouth while he slipped into careless sleep.

slash, fetish, content!infantilism, content!spanking, top!jack, pairing!jalex, content!humiliation, bottom!alex, rating:nc-17

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