With Smiles On Our Faces

Apr 05, 2011 15:36

Title: With Smiles On Our Faces
Author: americanaffair
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
POV: 3rd
Summary: "Barakitty."
Warning: Spanking. Humiliation. Pet play. Dirty talk.
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone used in these works, I do however own the words. The title is from Fall Out Boy.
Author Notes: I don't even.... Kinky smut. Have at ye. And don't be nice, I know. This isn't my usual strange, emotional, stuff. Just straight up. It could've been better. Hopefully I'll eventually rewrite it or something. But for right now, I'm just really happy with myself that I actually finished something. It's all re-learning to write.

Alex could enjoy many things. From the smiles and occasional tears of fans during meet and greets, their wide grins spitting out words of affection, honoring, and sexual promises. Or the way Baltimore looked as the Summer sun fell behind the landscape, briefly illuminating everything with an orange glow. Alex's tastes ranged from cheap ale to high class whiskey. He was a man who understood the idea of living a full life.

But there was one thing that made his mouth twist, face pucker, with sour flavor. A sight which made his eyes reflex by slamming shut. Fingers pressed tightly in his ears.

This creature, this infestation, was Jack. Not Jack all the time, of course not. They're best friends, everyone knows and everyone always would. Brother from another mother. Or sister from another mister, depending on what you thought of them. Partners in crime. Alex loved Jack.

Yet we all know there are exceptions to every rule. And for however the majority of the year is long that Alex and Jack were hand in hand best mates, there was about a month of scattered days where he just wanted to take a knife and do terrible things to the younger boys body.

It can be explained like when you eat cake every single day, until the cake just tastes disgusting. And now you're thinking, “What? Cake is so amazing!” But after months of cake, you want to scrape the flavor off your tongue and will nearly inhale anything non-sugar coated. If Alex and Jack spent too much time together, he wanted to put the loud, gangly kid on some remote island in the Mediterranean. Possibly with cannibals. And then live his happy life until Jack wouldn't annoy the ever living hell out of him, and then, and only then, could he make his return.

Right about now, Alex wanted nothing more but for him to disappear. Some forgotten corner of the Earth. Where he could sit with his Jack's Mannequin playing, his obnoxious laughter ringing, and his voice...  His loud as fucking hell, will never quiet down, please shut the hell up, voice.

He stared at him for a good five minutes, the death glare. Patented bitch eyes that one would think only Spencer Smith could give. And Jack was busy in la-tee-da-Jack-land-unicorns-and-naked-people-and-free-ice-cream-happy-place, so it took him far longer than it should've before he turned to catch the glare.

“What up bro?” Jack pulled off his headphones, resting his chin on closed knuckles and looking up with wide, expectant eyes. Like he hadn't been doing anything at all.

“Will you please, for the love of God, either help me or shut the fuck up?” He was almost positive there was a growl somewhere in that sentence.

“But Alex, I'm having so much fun!” Jack smiled, entire face lighting up like Christmas. Or when he got the Home Alone box set.

Alex sighed into his hands, rolling big brown eyes and trying to drown out Jack's air guitar solo.

And for the record, you'd think a real guitarist would be decent at air guitar solos.

“I'm going to count to three,” the older boy warned, already knowing how this would probably be ending.

“Or what?” The annoying creature taunted, waving it's long fingers in front of Alex's face in a teasing manner.

“One,” Alex tsked, but the volume level didn't lower.

“One and a half,” Jack was still grinning.

“Two,” Alex cocked his head. “I promise you won't like three.”

“Hey, why was six afraid of seven?”


“Because seven ate n-”

It takes an angry Alex Gaskarth roughly five-point-two seconds to pull a very thin Jack Barakat over his lap and secure him there.

“That joke is older than your parents,” Alex smirked. Already feeling the rush of power gush through his veins. His little sadistic secret. He loved tripping on the power suddenly given to him when a squirming little body was under his newly acquired control. “Jesus, I asked you nicely, too. I even counted.”

Jack wasn't talking. Thankfully. Not that this was a position he'd honestly ever found himself in. But some little part in his head keep promising that this was just a joke. Alex would let go, and they'd laugh it off.

Except his cock was already starting to get harder at the idea of this being exactly what it seemed like.


“Apologize later, too late now.” Alex's fingers were slipping between their hips, undoing the button and zipper of Jack's outrageously tight jeans. “Damn these things to hell,” was a muttered curse as he pulled the pants down, and eventually off.


“I'll get a gag,” the older boy warned authoritatively. And Jack immediately stopped with the fumbled attempts at words. “Now listen. I'm going to spank you. You are not going to talk. Or move. If you wiggle even the slightest bit, your muscles twitch a small amount, and I'll start over. We're going for twenty. Nod if you understand.”

The messy mop of black hair fluttered quickly as Jack shook his head yes.

“I have a feeling this won't be much of a punishment for you,” Alex smiled. He looked down, eying the pale white flesh of Jack's ass. His fingers ached with excitement, ready to bring his hand and hear that perfect sound of skin slapping skin.

Alex arched his hand, bringing it up in the air and down straight onto Jack's ass. He felt his body tense, but otherwise remain still. There was also a hint of a suppressed whimper. Immediately, Jack's ass had the imprint of a solid hand in a light hue of pink. And it looked so bloody perfect, it should've been illegal.

He continued at an uneven pace. Despite his ears yearning for that perfect smack-smack-smack, Alex much preferred watching Jack try to calculate when the next slap would be, and always being surprised. But he did have to give credit, his body remained somehow still. Which was weird, considering it was him. Alex made a quick assumption that maybe the thing anchoring him to remain calm was his hard-on pressing into the elders upper thigh with vengeance.

Every time his palm went down, it was all he could do to stop from just bending Jack over and fucking him dry. The way his ass was starting to glow crimson, the outline of his very own hand littering the area like a tattoo. And maybe Alex was going a little out of his way with the force, but it was more fun to push Jack. He even contemplated grinding his hips just the slightest, enough to give him a taste of sweet friction.

The perfect hits continued to rain down, with sometimes a long enough gap between that he absolutely sure Jack was writhing inside from the full bore sting of his fiery ass and the air conditioned bus. Finally, Alex got to twenty. He knew Jack had been maybe attempting at counting, his body was far more stiffened than before.

His arm went back, higher than any other. The final crack of his now tingling hand thrusting downwards to slam against Jack's ass was music. Never before had Alex heard a better tune.

“I'm impressed,” Alex smirked, running just the pads of his finger tips across the stark white skin. “But we aren't done yet. I was thinking. They just love to call you Barakitty, huh?”

“I, uhm,” Jack swallowed thickly. Swallowed down the tight knot in his throat where tears had been threatening him. Swallowed down the humiliation of just being pulled over his best friends lap and now having a more than obvious hard on.

“Think about while you lose the clothes. I'll be right back,” Alex pecked his hair affectionately, before standing up and helping Jack into a seated position. In no way afraid to push him down with some force, enjoying the look on the younger s face as he did so. “And don't even think about touching you're little problem, if you know what's best for you.” Alex winked with saying that.

Jack blinked, squeezing his eyes tight. Still not sure if this was even real, because it really didn't feel like it. But his cock was aching, and he probably felt dizzy due to loss of blood to the brain.

Alex came back as soon as he'd left, carrying an assortment of things that Jack didn't even bother to determine. Whatever their uses were, he was positive he'd know about it soon enough. “Now, like I was saying, Barakitty. It's a very nice nickname, really. But you just don't look like a cat. Not to me. So I thought we should fix that. Close your eyes.”

Jack did so, fluttering his lids shut with the same quickness of the butterflies exploding in his stomach.

“Aw, it's so cute that you love to do whatever I tell you to. I'm quite flattered, really,” Alex watched with delight as a blush crept across Jack's face. “Now, just to make sure you aren't enjoying yourself too much...” Jack felt something at the head of his cock, immediately thrusting his hips into whatever it was. But it wasn't anything good. He recognized the tightness of the cock ring sliding down all six erect inches, and ending at the base.

“And onto the funner part,” he smirked, lubing up three digits with hand lotion. In pushed the first one, past the tight ring of muscles.
Unsurprisingly, Jack wasn't foreign to things, especially fingers, being stuck up his ass. It was more than easy for Alex to add a second after just three pushes.

“You're loving this, aren't you? Just fucking loving it, my fingers in your little slut ass. Your cock has been hard since, what, before I even got your pants off?” He added a third, watching Jack's face contort a little bit, mainly soaking in the pleasure of Alex's dirty talk. And yes, he had a filthy mouth. But he loved using it to make a twink squirm.

“Faggot whore. What if I took a video? Some pictures? All the fans, all your friends, everyone. Anyone with internet access can see you, Jack, rock hard after a spanking. Bright red little ass. Just wait, Barakitty.”

Alex pulled his fingers out, pausing a minute for Jack to whine or make some noise of annoyance that his ass was suddenly not being given attention. But it was all the time Alex needed, and he took it sweetly and slowly, to lube up the butt plug in his hand. Aligning the black silicon plug with his now prepped hole, he slid it in easily.

“Alright, open up those pretty eyes.” He smiled, taking a headband in his hands and letting Jack get a clear look at it. It was white, the top had two little properly placed cat ears. Each ear had pink bows at their base, and an attaching golden bell. “Much more suiting.”

Jack moved his hips, adjusting to the feeling of a butt plug being inside him. Of course it wasn't something that had never happened to him, but not in recent times.

“Except, I think kitties are household pets. And most of them wear collars.” Alex nodded to himself, but then reached behind his leg and pulled out an accordingly matching pink collar. “And you haven't even noticed the best part!” He pouted. “Move your legs a little bit.”

He obliged, no surprise there. His thigh brushed something strange, he had no idea what it could've been. It felt...furry. But what the hell would be furry?

“Look down, dumb ass,” Alex sighed, rolling his eyes. But his face still read excitement.

Biting his lip harshly, Jack looked down. There was a tail. He had a tail. Quickly, he sucked in air. “Is this. Like. What is this?” Jack whispered, holding what was most definitely a tail, also most definitely attached to his body.

“It's your tail, Barakitten.”


“Tug on it.”

And so he did, expecting something. Not sure what. But something. His hand wrapped around the white, lean tail and tugged. The butt plug inside of him moved, making him moan.

“You're such a pretty little slutty cat,” Alex smirked, running his fingers affectionately through this hair yet again. “I've heard most kitties are rather good with their tongues.”

Jack's fingers were on the zip, pulling it down with ease and removing Alex's pants. Unsurprisingly, he too wasn't wearing any form of underwear. Quickly, Jack had the far more dominant boy naked from the waist down. Alex helped out by pulling off his shirt and discarding it.

His tongue ran across the sensitive skin of the older boys cock, expertly moving along the shaft and using timed swirls that left Alex's hand tangled in his hair.

“Don't be a tease,” he warned, thrusting his hips and loving the feeling of Jack choke on his dick until the boys' throat could adjust. Around him, the boy swallowed a few times, until Alex let him pull off and go back to whatever he'd been doing.

Jack sucked harshly, squeezing this thumb to eliminate any chance of gag reflex. His cheeks hollowed as he outwardly let Alex fuck his mouth and throat, doing his best job to keep teeth away from cock. His eyes started to close, becoming used to how he worked his mouth with shallow, shallow, deep, order of his thrusts.

“Pretty mouth, kitten,” Alex grinned. “But if we keep this up, I won't hold out for any longer.”

He took the hint, letting his jaw fall slack as Alex pulled his cock out. Jack whimpered at suddenly not having the hard dick in his mouth.

“It's alright, slut, you aren't done with me. I just wanna see how pretty my dirty little kitten looks. I want to see how hard I can get you without even touching you,” Alex smiled, he was breathing right on the shell of Jack's ear, making him shudder. “Turn around.”

He did as ordered, wondering what was now happening. Nothing. He felt the older run his hand, pleased, down the tail, giving a light pull. The same hand ran up his spine, tapping twice on his collar bone as an instruction to turn back. Alex's fingers walked slowly down his chest, down to his cock, running over the leather cock ring that Jack really wanted to burn. Then the same hand was at his head, playing with his ears and making the little bells ring.

“C'mere,” Alex grinned, laying down flat on the couch and pulling Jack on top of him. “Look at you, huh? Pretty, pretty, pretty. You're a good pet. I think I like you more as a kitty, you don't talk.” He paused a second, biting the inside of his lip. “Or do you? I think you should meow a bit,” Alex smiled, arching his eyebrow.

Jack blushed further. “M-Meow.” His voice was almost below a whisper.

“What's that, kitty?”

“Meow, meow,” Jack was slightly louder, pawing lightly at Alex's chest.

“Better,” Alex nodded, nuzzling his head. “Such a pretty, kinky cat. Naughty, naughty, naughty.” His hand slapped Jack's ass, lighter than the earlier spanking, but enough that it reminded him of the burning.

“Oh Barakitty, we should do this more often. You're just such a perfect slut. I think we will. Of course, it'll be difficult. The ears, tail, and such. But this,” Alex tapped the exposed part of the butt plug. “This will be a regular thing. We'll go out, in public. With you and you're little slut plug, so I can make sure no one else fucks your pretty ass. And whenever you don't do what I tell you, I'll have to spank you appropriately.”

Jack was writhing, his hips rolling desperately and little whines escaping from the back of his throat.

“And whenever we get the chance, you'll find yourself back in this. Trust me.”

On top of him, Jack moaned even more, pleading with his eyes.

“Kitty wanna cum? Hm?” Alex grinned, pulling up his chin to look into Jack's eyes.  “Beg.”

“Please, Alex, please. Finish this. I've been hard since we started, please fuck me. I want you inside of me before anything. Please, please, please. I need you. Please.”

“And where are your manners?” He slid his fingers down his back, gently removing the butt plug.

“Thank you for the spanking, and the plug, and for all the words. Thank you very, very much.” His face was flushed, sweating, panting. The ears still intact amongst the messy hair.

“Much better,” Alex carefully took off the cock ring, discarding the toy. “How do you want this?”

“Mmpf,” Jack crawled onto Alex's hips, bending his knees flat on either side of him, in perfect straddle form. Then he grinned, knowing his ass was already lubed from the amount of lotion Alex applied to the plug.

He slowly sat down, feeling the hard cock slide inside of him oh-so-perfectly. And in this position, there was so much more impact and intrusion. It was sinister. Jack's head rolled back as he let his body adjust to now having all of Alex buried deep inside him. And the older didn't disagree to this, figuring he would let Jack do this for his own.

Slowly, he raised his hips, and then dropped back down.

His moan immediately filled the room, loud and shuddered. Jack groaned, starting up a steady pace that both he and Alex knew wouldn't last long. At this angle, his prostate was being hit with every single movement. He started to grind his hips as well in small circles, letting his body move haphazardly.

“I'm not gonna-Oh,” Jack groaned even louder as Alex wrapped his hand around his hard prick, pumping up and down until he couldn't stop himself. From all the teasing earlier, and being rock hard for so long, there was no way of preventing the oncoming orgasm.

“Fuck yeah,” Alex wrapped his hands around his hips, digging them in deep. His hope was to put bruises in the pale skin. His thrusts also became more sloppy, Jack's earlier blow job had been undeniably good.

“Shit,” Jack whimpered. His inhales came sharp, body twitching on high. It was like the most pleasurable pain shooting through his veins, gushing with his blood. Endorphins. He felt higher than Charlie Sheen.

“You-Ah-Jack,” Alex came with that, hips stuttering to their final falsetto. He pulled out, and looked down. Jack's cum covered his stomach and chest.

The boy leaned down, licking up his own taste and swallowing it down. And if Alex hadn't just came, he would be harder than concrete right now.

“Yeah,” he said with a lazy smile. “This is so becoming a more regular thing,” Alex pulled Jack down for a kiss, running his hand across the ears and smiling when the bell tinkered. “Barakitty,” he giggled.

slash, fetish, content!spanking, top!alex, bottom!jack, pairing!jalex, content!pet play, content!humiliation, rating:nc-17

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