P9071250 Originally uploaded by
Last night I hit the opening of the new Rude Mechanicals production,
It's one of those Shakespeare plays I'd never even heard of, let alone read, so I didn't know much about the story other than what I'd picked up from listening to people in the show talking about it.
I liked it.
As with most of the Bard's work, bits and pieces of the story have trickled down through the ages and can be found lodged in numerous more modern works of fiction. Some of the first half of the show just oozes with a Manchurian Candidate vibe of projected ambition and underhanded manipulation.
The second half plays out the consequences of turning your back on those who have sacrificed for you.
It culminates in a well-staged fight scene. One that anyone who has paid any attention at all will, without a doubt, see coming.
Sometimes, there's only one way things can end.
But I'll leave it to you to go to the show and see for yourself how it all actually plays out.