Mar 28, 2007 19:42
Made it out to DSW in Bethesda with little-to-no problem via bus. Much more pleasant (and direct) trip than getting to Lakeforest Mall, that's for sure.
I love the fact that they have a large selection of styles there. For someone like me who shops for clothing and other style-related things with the "I'll know it when I see it" method, that is exceptionally helpful.
Now if they only had those styles and whatnot in my size.
Shoe shopping often makes me think that I have very odd sized feet. They're not a 9 a 10 or an 11. Nowhere near what I'd expect to be a hard to find size like 15 or 18. And yet, my size a simple 10.5, is barely on the shelves at all.
And then I think: Well, maybe I just have a very common shoe size and everyone else has beaten me to the shoes I like.
Whatever the reason, I found no fewer than four pairs of shoes that I liked but didn't exist in my size. Another two or three pairs weren't in the color I wanted.
But, after trying on and browsing through for an hour, I did settle on a pair of shoes that'll at least do for tomorrow's informal-ish interview. Don't know if I like them for every-day wear or to go with the suit for more formal things, though. That kind of annoys me. Last thing I want is more pairs of shoes than I need or shoes I'm never going to wear again.
Also decided it was time to do laundry. Mostly because I was out of clothes. About three quarters of the way through the wash cycle, it occurred to me I really wasn't in the mood to spend five hours waiting for the clothes to dry in the dryer (which is about how long it's been taking to dry the same loads that were only taking 90 minutes, tops, a year ago).
And so, I took to the dryer with the vacuum cleaner. Reaching deep within its bowels to much out any errant lint that had sneaked through the less than mint condition lint screen.
There were mounds of it.
With it that bad, I decided it would be prudent to drag the whole thing forward a bit and check the exhaust pipe and hose on the back. No problem getting it disconnected, since it just kind of falls off on its own anyway... or at least it had until I jammed the whole thing up against the wall a year or two ago.
So I drag up the exhaust hose and look into the metal connecting end. Yep. A good bunch of caked on/piled up lint. And something else...
Something crunchy.
Well cooked crickets.
I don't know how they got in there. Or how long they've been there. But they were like cement.
I think I've got cricket bits under my fingernails.
And I also think I breathed in a half-pound of lint. *hack*cough*
Worst thing is, I'm not even sure it did any good.
Other than those annoyances... not a bad day at all.