A while back I finally remembered to add
headcrashaddict... and now he's remembered to drop in here. Yet another one of those cool people from the
nofcna and
starsoup7 based connections. So many good people from that group! I love it!
And speaking of people from that group...
I met
web_tigger a couple of weekends ago over at
bondagejelly's place while there for
nofcna's fund-raising barbecue. She struck me as an interesting person (and everything I had heard beforehand was good, too)... and she's just getting into this whole LJ thing... we've been talking a bit over IM and I'm convinced we're kindred spirits of a sort. I'm glad I walked her through adding my journal to her friend's list. (Now all she needs is time to read it.)
I think that catches me up on the new eyes passing through here... man, it's been a busy few weeks!