I fail at posting... I have a tendency to leave something half-written for a week before finally putting it up. So instead of talking about what I saw last week, my pointless ramblings are now on "The Shakespeare Code". And whatever that episode of Torchwood was called. I'm not that great with names.
Was it SNL, with the 'Lowered Expectations' skit...? )
It's such a neat experience for me, reading a rant about Ten that I totally agree with that I didn't have to write myself!
I'm slowly detaching from DW, at least from "current" fandom, for the very same reason. I've given up thinking they're going to do anything about Ten because too many people like him (which worries me on a whole other level - particularly one friend who actually insists he's a ( ... )
RTD has said that people can't identify with aliens -- my god, you're kidding me. That's... the most depressing worldview I've ever heard. Especially if he's applying that to other cultures on Earth as well, which, given all the episodes in Cardiff, London, and New^42 York, seems more than possible. Eventually that ( ... )
I was glad that Rose left, too, for a complex set of reasons. I didn't like who she became with Ten. She had those tendencies with Nine, to be sure (her jealousy of Lynda and even of Jabe - look back, and she's already bristling, "Twigs off, missy, he's mine!" But she wasn't as sure of him, so she wasn't as smug. But then, she also challenged Nine (with the Gelth, with the Dalek), but she doesn't with Ten, and God knows he did enough to be challenged over (like, Why can't we visit Jack? Are you going to just leave me in Aberdeen? Why did you bop off with that French cow and leave us alone on a space ship to DIE?) And I have never wanted to pummel lead characters in a show nearly as bad as I wanted to with Rose and Ten in T&C with their stupid bet, when they left Mickey holding the button down in Rise of the Cybermen, and when ( ... )
I'll put at least part of that down to Christopher Eccleston being so much a better actor-- That's why I'm worried about rewatching S1; I'd be looking at it to see what the essential difference was-- if there was one. Even since I saw that RTD claimed to have written both seasons the same, I started wondering if maybe Eccleston was the *only* reason that series was so good, if all the things I can't stand about the writing were really the same. If that were true, I don't think I'd take it very well.
Why did you bop off with that French cow and leave us alone on a space ship to DIE? *grins* I got a good fic out of that exact question... It's getting eerie. Once, there was a (generally badly done) challenge going around Teaspoon along ( ... )
I certainly had an abrupt dislike of Ten. I was still heavily invested in Rose, and as I say, I watched S2 fully expecting that she'd leave on her own because he wasn't the same man anymore. When RTD said he had a "fantastic" way of Rose leaving, I had a far, faint hope that it would hinge on Bad Wolf, but instead, it was screamingly obvious from the Cybermen two-parter that she'd end up back, more or less, where she started. It was so obvious, I thought it was misdirection. But no. (And God, did I hate Ten - and Rose a little, too - in that two-parter!)
That's why I'm worried about rewatching S1; I'd be looking at it to see what the essential difference was-- if there was one.
I do think S1 was much better written. Bad Wolf is obvious in retrospect, but it's really not that obvious when you're going through it. And I've found more and more themes arcing through the series as I've watched again, whereas it just becomes rote repetition in S2 and S3. But the CE factor I think does play ( ... )
Apparently they now figure that was just low self-esteem talking *sigh* One of the most prominent features of anybody actually virtuous is that they either don't know or don't care that they're particularly virtuous...
Where? Oh, so that wasn't too pathetically obvious of me? ;) Well, generally if I can read it later and think only, "Well, there's a couple things I would have changed, but it's got some good stuff in it", it's fairly good, so this should be the link on Teaspoon. There's universe-hopping that's not strictly canonically possible anymore, but as if I regard "Doomsday" et al highly enough to care. That was my "I'll be as nice to Ten as I can by pretending it actually could be possible for him to learn something" fic. Though, looking back, there's definitely some mixed signals in the end as to whether he actually will. Well, I tried.
shiny little emo badges *grin* Yes, *exactly*. I didn't even blink when Nine got hyper because you could ( ... )
But, lord, it was a horrifying thought, wasn't it? Nullify the whole of S1... that'd be harrowing even if that weren't the only part of the current show you liked, wouldn't it? Or it ought to be. Thing is, it's what you're saying; people don't just like Ten, they have to like Ten so damn much more, and diminish Nine in the process, and I'd bet anything more than half the fandom wouldn't even have a mixed reaction. Moral ambiguity? Huh? Well, it might stuff the timeline up a bit, meaning Rose technically shouldn't get to meet Ten in the first place, and that would be sad, but other than that, wouldn't it be awesome? *shivers ( ... )
I'll admit to catching my breath when I saw it. Of course, I was cheering, too. Not I think Wendy would say anything (she loves Nine, but she also likes Ten quite a lot), but I didn't expect others to love it. Maybe it's just because I have the occasional fantasy about punching Ten's lights out. I've gotten less circumspect about saying so, the more irritating he's become.
But, lord, it was a horrifying thought, wasn't it?
Truly, it was. I can ignore S2+ if I want, but please, please, don't mess with my S1. (I got used to doing this in Due South, where I love the first two seasons and am really not at all happy with the last one.) To negate Nine, IMO, is to do away with the one really beautiful thing they've done since the restart. I really dislike the Rose/Ten relationship (and am nauseated by the part of fandom who think they're the TWU WUV connection; even a little by the ones who think the relationship went forward). And most of all, I think Ten undermines everything ( ... )
Except for lapses like that, I think I've gotten better at hiding my longing to punch Ten (and I don't think I should talk about Torchwood). I think a long period of avoiding him helped. It helps that my capacity for not posting things is fairly prodigious.
most of all, I think Ten undermines everything Nine was
I got impatient with adolescents when I was 11God, me too. I can't cite an age, but I remember thinking "I will *never* be like that" after one too many badly-written TV shows ( ... )
I think the main thing I've had to do is realize that despite the fact that Christopher Eccleston can make anything feel more profound than it actually is (it's gonna be interesting to see what he can do with a Stephen Sommers version of GI Joe!), RTD's shows really are pretty flimsy. It's just that I got so used to S1 being much more. And I was more circumspect early on. I may have lost a few friends over "outing" myself as a Ten-h8er, but I got tired of pussyfooting around it. And I know it's not any of the usual excuses with me - the character is obnoxiously written and badly played. I wouldn't like him if I had no one to compare him to. The fact that he comes after a character so rich and an actor so good doesn't help him, but he earned my disgust all on his own, because I expected to like him.
I remember thinking "I will *never* be like that" after one too many badly-written TV shows...Reminds me of that amusing MadTV ( ... )
It was a heck of a letdown. I know it took me a while to get over the backlash. If I have yet.
I know I was no picnic as a teenager, and I was a good kid (boringly so).
Same here...
Ooh, those Florence King books sound intriguing. I am *definitely* going to look those up (library should have them, but with our library, you never know for sure...).
Oh, cool! I wish I knew that much about my family history; it's fairly clear on my mother's side, but I know next to nothing about my father's side. Not the sort of thing my grandparents tend to talk about. Maybe they would if I asked, but I'm really not sure; they've got fantastic denial mechanisms, I think it's how they've lived this long. I have a strong suspicion that thirty seconds later it would be "And how are you doing at school?" ^^
Well, you now know about as much as I do! I know what you mean about the denial, though. I'm pretty sure about several "dark secrets" that no one's confirmed (duh), but I can figure out from behaviour a few things; and there's a great-grandfather that no one's talking about! I suspect he was black (not uncommon around the reservation), which would make me very happy. White + black + red = totally American. But for some parts of the family, I think it would be less something that they themselves are ashamed of, but that they would be afraid others wouldn't take well.
I hope you find the Florence King. She's quite the storyteller!
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