>>Well, we're already at week 19! Baby's the size of a 6" mango! Very soon we will find out if we're growing a boy or a girl! I have a check-up on Friday, and we'll make the ultrasound appointment for the week after (since I'll have to go to the hospital to have it done). I'm not sure if I'm more excited about finding out the gender or getting my first glimpse of the cutie growing and playing inside me. ^___^
>>And OOOOOH yes! Baby is playing, and I can feel it! I felt the movements for the first time a few days after my last appointment, at about 17 weeks. After feeling the jerky, hiccup-y feeling for a couple nights when I first laid down, I decided that was indeed what was going on in my tummy. Now, I even feel it randomly when I'm going about my day. ^_^ Equally as exciting is, I can put my hand on my tummy where I feel the movement, and feel it kick my hand! So, baby's daddy has felt it a couple of times too. Freaking awesome! (Baby must know I'm typing about it, because it just started dancing the Macarena.) I also think it was kicking Mikei when she was cuddling and purring on my tummy this morning.
>>With baby getting bigger, my pants seem to be getting smaller. Work pants have felt tight for a few weeks now, but my 10 year old, best buddy corduroys are finally giving my belly a not-so-subtle eviction notice as well. :p Thankfully, my buddy Alice suggested wrapping a rubber band attached from the hole and looping under the button. GENIUS! This should help me last another week or two. ^_^ Meanwhile, I've ordered new work uniforms that will come in soon. Yay!
>>With belly getting bigger, it seems like it's harder to bend over, too. It's not just that there's suddenly something in the way, but I feel short of breath too. Not so fun when lifting boxes and picking things up off the floor at work. :p
>>No crazy cravings or mood-swings lately. 2nd Trimester is supposed to be the most smooth sailing of the three.
>>I feel like full-on, can't-do-much pregnancy will be arriving soon. I want to try and get the house organized and tidy before that happens, and before I'll be completely whipped by a beautiful newborn's demands. I'm talking MAJOR organizational overhaul. I don't expect everything to be perfect, but I would like to have it clean enough I don't have to worry too much for the first few weeks and I want room for the massive amount of baby's stuff. Thinking of letting go of some more of my manga collection, but not sure where to sell it. Maybe someone on Ebay would appreciate original Japanese volumes. :/ Anyway, maybe I'll look into hiring a professional organizer, or have a creative friend help me out, if I can't get it all done myself. I've been trying since we moved in, so who knows how well that'll go. :p