Aug 31, 2004 18:41
Just once I'd like to tear out all of the pages in her books and rip them into shreds and throw them in her face and tell her, "See? Thats what our friendship is worth."
Just once I'd like to use up all her lipgloss and give her eye diseases from using her mascara and tell her that she can always buy more stuff, but she can't buy back my respect.
Just once I'd like to tell her that i know, that she thinks I'm stupid, and unprepared and not-like-her, and tell her that thats okay because i wouldn't want to ever be like her.
Just once I'd like to rip open her desk drawers and scatter all her carefully placed office supplies and watch her go crazy as she trys to pick them up because she cannot live with out highliters but she can live without me.
Just once I'd like to ask her if I maybe lost her brand new shirt could she, ever forgive me? I don't know if she could even if I bought her a new one. Maybe I'm not even worth the 21 dollars she paid for it.
Just once I'd like to believe I can
But this one I know for sure I can't do.