Everything you need to know about life can be learned from an episode of Scrubs. Any episode, try it, it'll relate. Careers, insecurity, relationships, strength- you will find it. And it's funny how you really notice those things at just the right moment. Maybe they stand out because you're ready to listen, or maybe you just forgot that you heard them before. But time and time again, it's there, like the sting of a bee, revealing your secrets on the TV screen.
Most of my friends have crossed 30 already but I will be pulling up to that stop in two months. I've had a lot to think about in the last four months and, for me, I never stop worrying about the future. This episode was there, in the background, as I munched on salsa, telling me to hang on. AND it was playing one of my favorite song throughout, reminding me to think clearly and things will be OK. The entire episode is mirroring more than just that, what with JD trying to keep his friendship with Elliot superficial, but all in all, it's one of my favorites when it comes to learning lessons.
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