牛顿老师和鲁迪都打篮球 Mr. Newton and Rudy play basketball

Aug 14, 2014 11:23

Original text in English:

Do you remember Rudy, the student who played a basketball filled with water in Mr. Newton's class? His classmates thought that he would fail the class and that he would be expelled from school. But then, Mr. Newton decided to give him a chance...

That weekend, Rudy met up with Mr. Newton at the school gym. Mr. Newton said, "We are going to play a game of basketball. If you win, I will write off your offense. However, if you lose, you will fail the class and you will be expelled from school."

"Sounds fair enough," said Rudy.

"And," Mr. Newton added, "we are going to use these basketballs that I have made." He brought out two soft plastic balls, one filled with an orange liquid, and the other filled with something that looked like black sand.

"What are those?" asked Rudy.

"You'll find out soon enough." Mr. Newton threw the orange ball hard at Rudy, who tried to catch it with his hands but was hit with it at the head. The ball shattered, and Rudy was covered with the orange liquid. It was sticky and smelled sweet. It was honey!

"Haha, old man," said Rudy, not laughing at all. "You just ruined my expensive shirt."

"Here's the second one," laughed Mr. Newton. "Catch!" He tossed the black ball at Rudy, who jumped to avoid it. The ball shattered on the floor, and thousands of big black ants came out! The ants ran after the honey-coated Rudy.

Rudy screamed. He ran away from the ants as fast as he could, while Mr. Newton laughed. Fortunately, Rudy was a very fast runner, so the ants could not reach him. He ran until he reached the swimming pool and dived in. The water washed away the honey and protected him from the ants.

Unfortunately, he lost the game, so he failed Mr. Newton's class and was expelled from school.

Translation in simplified Chinese:

鲁迪就是那个在牛顿老师的班里玩了个充满水的篮球的学生,你记得吗?他的同学觉得他将被踢出班级(bèi tī chū bān jí = was kicked out of class),觉得他将被学校开除。但是,牛顿老师决定给他一个机会......

那个周末,鲁迪和牛顿老师在学校的体育馆见面了。牛顿老师说:「我们要打篮球。如果你赢,我就原谅(yuán liàng = to forgive, to pardon)你的错误(cuò wù = error, mistake)。但是,如果你输,你就失败班然后从学校开除。」

鲁迪说:「似乎很(sì hū = seem, appear)公平。」

牛顿老师说:「而且,我们要用这些我做的篮球。」他展示(zhǎn shì = show, reveal)了两个塑胶制成的软球,一个是充满橙色液体的,一个是充满像黑色沙子似的东西的。



鲁迪说:「哈哈,老头儿。你刚才破坏了我昂贵(Áng guì = expensive)的衬衫。」他没有笑。

牛顿老师笑:「这是第二个!抓!」他向鲁迪扔了黑色的球。鲁迪为避球跳了。球在地上破了,然后千万(ten million, very many)个黑色的大蚂蚁出来了!蚂蚁向涂了蜂蜜的鲁迪爬(pá = crawl, creep)去。

鲁迪喊叫,很快地远离(yuǎn lí = away)蚂蚁逃跑(táo pǎo = run away)了。牛顿老师笑。鲁迪很有幸运,是个很快的跑步者,所以蚂蚁不能达到他身体。他径直跑到了(jìng zhí pǎo dào le = went straight)游泳池,跳水了。水洗掉(wash away)蜂蜜,而且隔离了(gé lí = isolate)蚂蚁并(bìng = and)保卫了鲁迪的身体。


Translation in traditional Chinese:


你還記得那個在牛頓老師的班上玩了個充滿水的籃球的學生,魯迪嗎?他的同學覺得他這門課會不及格(zhè mén kè huì bù jí gé = this course will fail),覺得他將被學校開除。但是,牛頓老師決定給他一個機會......

那個週末,魯迪和牛頓老師在學校的體育館見面了。牛頓老師說:「我們來打籃球吧。如果你贏,我就不計較(bù jì jiào = do not care)你之前犯的錯(fàn de cuò = made the mistake)。但是,如果你輸了,你就這門課就會不及格然後會被學校開除。」


牛頓老師說:「而且,我們要用這些我做的籃球。」他拿出(ná chū = bring out)了兩個塑膠製成的軟球,一個充滿了色的液體,一個充滿了像黑色沙子的東西。


牛頓老師回答:「你很快就會知道。」他把橙色球有力向魯迪扔去。魯迪想用手抓住球,但是球打到了他頭部。(結果 jié guǒ = results)球破了,在魯迪身上全是那些橙色的液體。黏黏的,甜甜的,(原來)是蜂蜜!

魯迪說:「哈哈,老頭兒。你剛才毀(huǐ = destroy)了我的貴襯衫。」他沒有笑。

牛頓老師笑:「這是第二個!抓住!」他向魯迪扔了黑色球。魯迪跳起來躲開那個球(duǒ kāi = escape)。球在地上破了,然後很多很多黑色的大螞蟻跑了出來!螞蟻向全身塗滿了蜂蜜的魯迪跑去。

魯迪喊叫,快地離螞蟻跑了。牛頓老師(在旁邊 zài páng biān)大笑。魯迪很有幸運,他跑步很快,所以螞蟻爬不到他身上。他跑到游泳池跳了下去。水把(魯迪身上的)蜂蜜沖乾淨了(chōng gān jìng = rinse),而且保護(bǎo hù = protection)了魯迪的身體不讓螞蟻爬上來。

遺憾的(yí hàn de = unfortunately)是魯迪輸了這場遊戲,所以失敗了牛頓老師的班,然後從學校開除了。


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