Apr 23, 2010 00:01
Today was awesome.
It all started out on the right foot. I didn't laze out of my involved skin-care regime, which is unusual because if I think I'm running even a little late (read: every day), I'll choose one of the following four, even though ideally I would do them all and in this order:
1. These medicated cleansing pads my doctor prescribed when I went to have my birth control changed (long story).
2. & 3. A squirt of what seems to be pure AHA mixed with the tiniest drop of jojoba oil.
4. Face primer. I dunno, I just like it, but I don't think it does anything really.
Anyway, I put all those things on this morning, even some lotion on my arms, and eyeliner for the first work day in um, a year, mascara . . . too bad my favorite skirt's hem fell out, but at least I had some clean pants. Then I left for work, even remembering my sunglasses, and realized I didn't have my phone. I came to terms with the fact when I reached in my bag and there it was. That alone could have made my day, but there's more.
So the line at the Dunkie's was short, and the coffee was made just right and it wasn't burnt. They even know my order, which baffles every other drive through window, and the guy at the window always calls me sweetie, and today he even said "see you tomorrow!" Good cheer.
I rolled into work at 9:20, which is appallingly late, really, but is earlier than 9:30, which is my mode arrival time, and it rounds to 9:15 on my time card. Everyone in my aisle is all "hi hellos" when you come in, which really sucks when it's 9:42 and you forgot your badge, but at 9:20, I'm issuing smiles and waves down the aisle, and even the girl who I think doesn't like me smiled. I was even so bold as to pop my head over my cube and say good morning to my boss.
The morning flies, next thing I know it's lunch. They had edamame today, but I wasn't hungry, so I sipped some water and chatted with my coworkers, and we made jokes. Staff meeting, more tickets, plans with a dear friend I haven't seen in ages. Thought lovingly about my sisters. I stayed until 6:30 talking to my boss and figuring out some data, we waved goodbye in the parking lot, and on I went to Heather's.
The drive from the new office to Heather's is all nice, windy and pastoral back roads, and it was raining just a tiny bit, and I saw a rainbow. Off we went to trivia, I got to eat some chowder and giggle my way through a cocktail, and all the questions were really easy, which is a welcome departure from Geography and Sports that normally kills our score. Homeward. Found some wedding catalogs and BJs coupons to make fun of. I mean, really, who needs a carton of Nesquick that makes 110 glasses of chocolate milk for any price? And what's with this lifetime supply of Raisinets? I'll tell you what, any supply of Raisinets is a lifetime supply, who eats those things?
And now it's now. My day is winding down, I got to do some writing, and tomorrow I can put things off til Monday if I want. All in all, it's a pretty banal day, but it's always so much easier to put the bad days in a funny context than the good ones, and it's refreshing to write something with little to no sarcasm to it.
But really, just everything went absolutely right today, and it's pretty remarkable.