Shoon's Confession

Jun 07, 2007 17:59

Title: Shoon’s Confession
Characters: Yabu, Shoon, Takaki, and Hasshi
Fanfic of: Ya-ya-yah, and J.J. Express
Summary: Shoon has to tell Yabu something.
AN: Well, this is part of my story “The Trip”. I didn’t include Shoon’s confession so decided that I needed to write it. XD Yamabu is the best.

Yabu’s POV

Shesss, Takaki wasn’t any help. As I saw that Takaki looked away from me knowing that I needed help. What does Shoon want? What did Takaki say to him? Agh I hope he didn’t say, just to get me off of his back that I like, like him. Ahhh that would be sooooo embarrassing. It’ll be like I asked Takaki to tell him that I liked him. Soooooo not manly………….

Shoon’s POV

OMGOMGOMG What the heck am I doing??!! I’m not ready for this. Wait what did Takaki say? That it was pathetic that I didn’t tell Yabu I liked him in like a year? I think that was it. (an: Silly Shoon. *shakes head*) Okay, deep breath. *Phew*

“Shoon,” asked Yabu as his voice shook a little, “W-what did you want to talk about.

Third Person:

Shoon turned to Yabu slowly. Yabu just standing there all insecure about something, made Shoon want to hug him. Without knowing that is exactly what he did.

Yabu was beyond surprised, he was in shock. Having the one that you liked hugging you like you were the most precious thing to them, made him feel like jelly. But Yabu knew, Shoon didn’t like him like that. It hurt him to think but he knows that Shoon really likes Inoo. As much as Takaki says he isn’t, he knows that Shoon likes Inoo.

“Shoon,” whispered Yabu, “Stop.”

That one word broke Shoon’s heart. Yabu didn’t want him to hug him. It hurt, but Yabu continued was he was saying.

“Stop hugging me. You like Inoo-chan not…me,” sniffed Yabu, as much as he tried not to cry, a few tear escape him.

Shoon froze when he heard that. Where did Yabu get the idea that he liked Inoo? It was like he was talking to Takaki about this again. He only liked Inoo as a friend and that was that.

“Yabu, what are you talking about,” smiled Shoon as he petted Yabu’s head as he held him tighter to himself, “I like Inoo…”

Yabu wince when he heard those three word together.

“…as a friend only.”

Yabu’s eyes grew wide when Shoon finished his sentence. Not only did Shoon give him hope that he still had a chance with him, but it just proves that Takaki was right. Shoon only thought of Inoo as a friend.

“Besides, Inoo has Dai-chan, and I like someone else.”

Yabu’s hope disappeared just a fast as it reappeared.

“Oh,” choked out Yabu, “Really? Lucky them.”

Shoon just chuckle at that, “Kota.”

For the second time, Yabu’s widen, wider then the first time. Shoon had called him ‘Kota’. Not Yabu, not Yabucchii, but his given name.

Shoon lifted Yabu’s chin (an: let’s just say, Shoon grew and is now taller then Yabu or Yabu shunk XD.) making him look right into Shoon’s eyes.

“Kota, don’t you get it? It you that I really like,” smiled Shoon.

Yabu’s eyes lit up brighter then it has ever had. Brighter then the time when he was able to sing a solo in front of millions of people for the first time. This was different from that. This time Yabu had happiness but it was staring it with the one that he cared deeply about. Shoon.

Yabu smiled, as Shoon bend and pecked Yabu on the lips. The connection was enough to give both of them goofy grins as they head back to the filming area. On the other side, Shoon saw Takaki and Hasshi coming back hand and hand. Shoon smiled at them, and Yabu did too. All was good, now all he had to was win this game so that they wouldn’t have to go on that Shaka. Thought Shoon as his smile turned into a smirk.

XDDDDDDD Yamabu is love! XDDDDDD Well there’s the missing Yamabu fluffiness. XD Hope you liked it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Laters.


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