The Trip [One-shot]

Jun 07, 2007 14:01

Title: The Trip
Pairings: ……good ones. XD
Characters: Takaki, Hasshi, Arioka, Inoo, Shoon, Yabu, Taiyo, and Hikaru.
Fanfic of: Ya-ya-yah, and J.J. Express
Summary: Just was just another trip, or so it seemed. This trip would change everything for Takaki, and two other’s life thanks to his help.
AN: I thought up this story after looking at pictures from a trip that Yax3 and JJE had taken at Hawaii, I think it was Hawaii. And how Irea-san pointed out how everyone was paired up with someone from each group that had the say status in each group. Like Leader with Leader. Second Leader with Second Leader and all. Right? I think it was her. Yes if you know what I’m taking about I know Asaka-kun was on the trip to Hawaii with them, but to make this story work and to have a pairing with the, well I guess you can call him the narrator, in this fic, I had to substitute another JJE member in his place. T-T But anyways, I would like to say thank you to sarapinpin, nichiyobii, kizuite, ya3fan, mokiko, and others. Thank you for helping me with my research for this story. XD Now, let’s go forward.
In Takaki’s POV

It was just another day, at JE, unless you just got up at 4 o’clock in the morning to meet up with the rest of your band, and another band, to go on a trip to Hawaii. But even though the sun isn’t even out yet, you’re wide awake to go on this trip.

J.J. Express’s Takaki Yuya, desu. This was going to be a big trip. Hawaii is the best , the sun, the beaches, and the fact that I’ll be there with my friends, instead of family is the best. Right now only a few people were there. I woke up extra early, plus I couldn’t really sleep with the excitement of the thought of going to Hawaii, with just the staff, and all my friends. It’s not everyday you get to go over seas with your friends. Hope I get a room with Hasshi-kun. That would be fun.


Huh? “Oh, ohaiyo Yabu-kun. Are you excited about the trip?”

“Ya, I guess so. I couldn’t sleep because of it,” grinned Yabu, “Saa, it would seem that the staff wants us to get to know each other more. Even though we’ve been doing shows together, and all. Here’s the list of who is rooming with who.”

I took the list from Yabu-kun, but it seemed that he hadn’t gotten a chance to look it over. He decided to look it over with me over my shoulder. Let’s see, Takaki, Takaki, Takaki….AH! Aww, guess there goes all my plans of spending time in a room with Hasshi-kun. But I guess Shoon’s isn’t all that bad.

“Aww, with Inoo,” sighed Yabu, “Oh well, at least Inoo doesn’t snore as loud as Hikaru. Oh, you better tell Arioka-kun to pack some ear plugs, if he wants to sleep good at Hawaii.”

“Hmm, I’ll try and remember that.”

“Sooo, it seems that you got Shoon as a roommate…and since the staff wants us to get to know each other more…can you asked Shoon some questions for me,” begged Yabu putting his hands together.

To say at the most, I was shocked to see the Prince begging me to do something.

“Huh? But you knew him better. Why don’t you just ask him these questions,” I asked confused. Sure the staff said that they wanted us to get to know each other more, but this was just weird.

“Please, Takaki, please. Ok I’ll tell you,” sighed Yabu, “I really like Shoon. I like, like Shoon. And I just can’t ask Shoon these kinds of questions out of the blue, but you can. Since you’re in the same room too, you can just start talking to Shoon. To…get to know him better. Please.”

I agreed, I mean, what could hurt? I would be getting to know someone better, and might even make friends with them. After I agreed, Yabu-kun seemed to be happier, so happy that I just had to get away. Taking the list of the rooms with him. He wanted to know who was rooming with Hasshi. Agh , Taiyo is with him….Well I guess that’s not threat. Taiyo can’t take Hasshi away from me.

Each member came as followed. Me first, Yabu, Shoon, Inoo, he was with Shoon when he came, Arioka, Hikaru, then Hasshi with Taiyo…I didn’t like that setting at all. But before I could even get close to Hasshi, the staff gathered us all together and wanted us to listen. Meaning, stay where you are, and don’t move. Great just what I need.

“Okay, now that everyone is here, each of you get a list of rooms, and who is with who,” said the manager, “Now, as you can see, the staff and I decided to each room you with someone of the other group, so that you guys can get you know each other better. On the bus, we also want you to be sitting next to your roommate. But on the airplane you can sit next to who ever you want. Does everyone get it?’


Everyone was on the bus by 6 o’clock a.m. I was sitting in the back, the back was the best place to be when on the bus. Shoon, I think agreed with me, sitting right next to me.

“Sooo,” I started, “do you like the back of the bus?” Wow, Takaki, great way in starting a conversation.

“Yup, happy to have a roommate that thinks the same as me, in terms of what section of the bus is the best,” smiled Shoon, as he got his Mp3 player out, “The back of the bus is the best if you want to sleep more before we get to the airport.”

To what Shoon said, I couldn’t help but to smile at that, “Ya, the back of the bus is the best for that,” I yawned out.

“Well, I heard that you where the first one here, I’m a light sleeper, so you can sleep too, and when we get there, I’ll wake you up,” smiled Shoon settling down, “How’s that sound?”

“Sounds great.” Maybe being a roommate with Shoon won’t be to bad.

True to his word, Shoon woke me up to get to the plane. Even though we left JE early it seems that we were late. The manager hurried us the terminal, Yabu caught up to me.

“So what did you, and Shoon talk about in the bus,” asked Yabu

But before I could say something, the manager called to us. Seems that while we were talking we forgot to turn. Heh, heh. Our bad. To say at the least, I was excited about being in Hawaii, but I wasn’t looking forward to the airplane trip. *13 hours on an airplane, didn’t really sound all that great, and it was non-stop, too. Agh, so going to take a bath when we get into the hotel. Might have to do Jan Ken for it….

“Hey Shoon?”

“Hmmm? Who’s going to take a bath first when we get to the hotel?”

When I mention this, it seemed that Shoon didn’t even think about the airplane ride.

“Ummm, Janken for it,” smiled Shoon.

So that started our roommate battle of who would be the first to take a bath. Everyone heard our conversation and decided to Janken for the position of taking a bath first.

Luck wasn’t on my side. Even though I asked , I didn’t win, after three rounds. Shoon, Inoo, Hikaru, and Hasshi, won the battle. While me, Yabu, Arioka, and Taiyo didn’t win….

“Man, I knew I shouldn’t have used pa(paper),” sighed Taiyo.

As each of us got on the plane, we went to seat. Shoon decided to sit next to Inoo. I looked at Yabu, he was frowning, and went to sit next to Arioka. I quickly grabbed the seat next to Hasshi. Leaving Hikaru and Taiyo to sit next to each other. Don’t know if that was a good idea. But they didn’t complain like everyone thought they were going to. They just sat down, minding their own business. Good, at least they won’t be arguing like a married couple…though they sometimes act like it…

The plane ride wasn’t that bad. Half way through, everyone fell asleep. I have a feeling that Shoon, and I were the only ones that slept on the bus, we were the only ones awake. But I could really talk to Shoon, at the time. Seeing that I was all the way in the back with Hasshi, and Shoon was all the way in the front. I wonder why, Shoon sat next to Inoo, then sit next to one of his band mates?

As I started to read a magazine that I found in the back pocket of the seat, Manager-san came to me with a camera.

“Takaki-san? Do you think you could go around the airplane and take pictures of each group? I think it would be a nice memory for all of you. Oh but first let me take a picture of you two,” the manager smiled.

After he took our picture with Hasshi sleeping on my shoulder, I carefully lifted Hasshi’s head, as much as I didn’t want to and went off on my task of taking everyone’s picture. I have to say it was pretty fun. Taking secret pictures of the ones sleeping. It was dark in the airplane cabin so a little book light came in handy for this. Boy, were some of these pictures funny. Hikaru and Taiyo’s picture must have been the cutest after me and Hasshi’s that is. The funniest was Yabu’s and Arioka. Both of them fanned out on top of each other. It tool a lot for me not to laugh at the site of them. Out of all of us Shoon and Inoo’s picture looked the calmest. Shoon just sitting there reading his book, while Inoo was asleep on his shoulder. I hated to say it, and if Yabu heard my thoughts I think I wouldn’t be here, they looked like a couple…I wonder if me and Hasshi looked like that…but anyways, Shoon’s reading helped a lot in the light department, and he was so into his book he didn’t even I was taking the picture ’til it was done.

“Takaki-kun what are you doing,” asked Shoon finally looking up from his book.

“I was taking pictures of everyone,” I smiled, “The manager wanted me to. He said that it would be good memories for us.”

“Well,” smiled Shoon, “I really like this manager. I he’s the best that we’ve ever had. What do you think?”

“I think so, too.”

“Hey,” started Shoon getting up after making sure Inoo was comfortable against the window, “Do you think I could walk around with you?”

“Sure, here, look at the pictures,” I laughed handing him the camera, “They’re funny.”

The plane ride to Hawaii, wasn’t all that bad. But after a while, it was time to get off of the plane, we were all sick of the plane. Sure it was fun, being with everyone, and getting to know each other much better, then ever, it sucked just being in one place for 12 hours. First thing we made sure we had everything. While up there, our section like a little room. Everything was spread out. Which now that I think about it, was a bad idea.

“Hey, did you guys see where my other sock went,” called Hasshi.

“You’re sitting on it,” I said packing my thing, and making sure I have everything.

“Oh, thanks Yuya-kun.”

“No prob.”

Took a while but we finally got off the airplane. Ahh, hotel come to me. The airport was just a couple of miles away from the hotel, Shoon was in the bus before me. He was in the back of the bus. The manager said we didn’t need to sit next to our roommate, so I pushed Yabu to the back with Shoon. Mind you, I pushed him towards Shoon, it would be weird if I pushed Yabu all the way in front of Shoon. Having done that sat next to Hasshi again. Even though it didn’t take that along to get to the hotel. Hasshi fell asleep again. I took a picture of him like that. I didn’t was to wake him up but I guess it couldn’t be helped.

Manager-san said that we had an hour to get ready for our first shoot, and to make sure that he were wearing our bathing suite. We were going to do some shots in our hotel room and outside on the side walk. As we walked into our hotel room, my childish side took over. I put my suite case on the floor and jumped into the bed. Guess I wasn’t the only one, Shoon soon followed in the other.

“Okay, since I get to take a bath first you, choose the bed that you want,” said Shoon getting up, “I’ll be out in 15.”

Shoon got his toiletries, and went in. Leaving me to think, which bed do I want. The one close to the window or the one next to the wall?? I could decide to I just flipped a coin that I had in my pocket. Heads be the wall. Tails be the window. When I flipped the coin, it fell to the ground, rolling to a stop, on….tails.

“Window bed it is then.” But before I could lay down on the bed again, someone knocked at the door. It was Yabu.

“So, did you guys talk,” I said as I let Yabu into our room.

“Well….not really…I couldn’t think of anything to talk about,” sigh Yabu as he fell back on the Shoon’s bed, “I mean we’ve known each other so long, but it just seems like I hardly know him. I think he knows me more then I know of myself.”

“You know when you say that, it sounds creepy.”

“Well I don’t mean for it to sound creepy,” said Yabu, “Where is Shoon anyways?”

“Where do you think? I lost at Janken for the shower first, and so did you. Is that why you’re here?”

“Ya, I was bored sitting in my room doing nothing. Lucky you, Shoon doesn’t take that long in the shower. Only if it has anything with his momiage, is when you should be worried, but since there is a huge mirror in each of our he’ll use that instead of the bathroom’s mirror,” laughed Yabu as he flipped over from his back to his stomach.

Before I could say anything about that, Shoon came out of the shower in only a towel, surprised me for a second. I looked at Yabu, he wasn’t looking up at all. If I looked closer, I think his cheeks are red…no wait his whole face was red.

“Ah, Yabu, are you talking about me,” asked Shoon smiling as he went through his suite case, “Cause I swear I sneezed like 5 times in the shower. And sorry for the state that I’m in, I forgot to get clothes.”

Shoon found what he was going to wear for the photo shoot and his bathing suite, and went back to the bath room.

I could help it, I still had the camera around my neck and decide to take a picture of Yabu and his really, really, red face. Didn’t have the flash on but it was bright enough in the room. So Yabu didn’t know I took it.

“Soo, Yabu…”

“Shut up, don’t say another word,” said Yabu as he buried his face in his arms.

“Ok, but I think it’s time for you to start to get ready soon.”

“Ya, I guess so…” Yabu got up to leave but before he did he asked on thing, “Do you think Shoon likes Inoo-chan?”

“Shoon and Inoo? I don’t think so,” I replied hiding the camera. I don’t think showing Yabu that picture would be a good thing right now, “I think they’re just really good friends.”

“Ok, well see you later.”

It was weird to be in a room when you know that someone likes them. A LOT! And to know that the other has someone that likes them a lot. Being stuck in the middle, trust me, you don’t want to be there. Shoon just got out of the bathroom when Yabu left.

“Where’d Yabu go?”

“Had to go back to his room to get ready,” I said getting my things together, and not forgetting my clothes. Who knew would be in the room if I forgot my clothes. For Shoon it was lucky that it was Yabu.


Was that disappointment I heard?? Maybe Yabu does stand a chance with Shoon.

“Yabu’s been acting weird lately.”

Shoon’s good. He knows when something is wrong.

“Really? I haven’t notice.”

“Well,” he started as he fixed his momiage, “When we were in the bus to come here, he was shy all of the sudden. It was like we didn’t know each other at all.” Sighing Shoon, got his sock and shoes.

“Hmm that is weird.” Agh Yabu, you not talk to him is making Shoon think you don’t like him.

“Anyways, do you like someone,” smirked Shoon as he tied his shoes.

I was just about to go to the bathroom when he asked this. I almost tripped when that question came out of his mouth.

“Wha…What makes you asked that?” Good one, now he’ll know I like someone.

“Oh, I don’t know. It seemed like you and Hasshi-kun were really buddy, buddy on the airplane that’s all,” smiled Shoon as he walked towards the door. As he passed me he said, “You better hurry or you’re going to be late for the shoot. Or do you want me to wait for you to finish?”

“Well…If you don’t mind could you wait for me,” I smiled a little, “Oh just so you know, I do like Hasshi-kun.”
By the time I was done getting ready, we had only 10 minutes to get down to the lobby, with everyone else. But as we got there, it seems that we weren’t the only ones that they were. Taiyo and Hasshi was late too. It was Taiyo again…Hasshi and Taiyo…

“Hey, Takaki,” started Shoon as he put a hand on my shoulder, “Don’t worry, Taiyo can’t steal Hasshi from you. Plus I don’t think someone would let Hasshi have Taiyo.”

“Where the heck is he,” yelled/asked Hikaru, “If the manager didn’t say to wait here, I would be on those elevators to their room knocking on that door!”

As Hikaru started ranting, I figured that Hikaru wouldn’t let Hasshi have Taiyo. Taiyo was his and Hasshi was mine.

As both me and Hikaru finished, thinking this Taiyo and Hasshi appeared, running toward us.

“FINALLY! What were you doing,” asked Hikaru hands on hip.

*gasp* “We were looking for the hotel key,” gasped out Hasshi.

“We *gasp* couldn’t remember where we put it.”

When they mention the hotel key I totally forgot about it. I looked to Shoon if he got the key. Sensing me looking at him, with this question, put his hand in his pocket and took out the hotel room key. Phew, Shoon was a life saver, cause I forgot all about that.

“Now I hope you guys remembered to wear your bathing suites,” said the Manager, “and the floor and room number of your room.”

Shoon looked to me for that. He just followed me to our room. I nodded at him, knowing that he was asking if I knew. He smiled and turned his attention to the manager. I can see why Yabu likes Shoon. His smile is nice to look at. It make me want to smile.

After Manager-san made sure everyone was here, we went out to get our pictures taken. Hawaii was beautiful. The palm trees, the blues sky, and the smell of the sea water in the air. It was great. Shoon and I went to the corner of the street. There we saw a fire hydrant. The camera man saw it too. He told Shoon to get in front of the fire hydrant, and told me to get behind Shoon, and to stand on the fire hydrant. I think it made a good picture. Later one we ran into Taiyo and Hasshi. I was excited to see him. The camera men decided since we were together we should take a picture together. Shoon and I on one side of the magazine rack, as both Taiyo and Hasshi stood on the other side with booklets, and little maps. Shoon and I had magazines.

After we did all the land photos that the camera men wanted, we went to the beach. The beach! Finally, it was really bright, the sun was hot, but it was a good hot. We took two more land pictures as a group and went to hit the sea. Boy was that fun, the staff rented out ski boats, and all sorts of other boats. They were fun. While we were at the beach we had to do a shooting of Ya-Ya-Yah’s song “Start”. Dancing on the beach was fun. Has we were dancing I notice that Hikaru, tans real quick. He was brown! Seemed to me Shoon was having fun with everyone. Especially, Yabu, splashing him with water. How corny can you get…not that I did that with Hasshi. No I didn’t do that…

By the time we got back from the beach, everyone was tired. Everyone went straight to their rooms, but the camera men weren’t done yet. Hotel picture time! YAY!…Not…I just want to sleep. It took a while but we were finally done after that.

“Ne, Shoon, since I told you who I like,” I started after we were done taking our bath and sitting in bed, “Do you like someone?”

Blush “Hmm, I guess you could say that,” hummed Shoon.

“Who is it?”

“Well, I guess to be fair,” smiled Shoon, “Yabu.”

Well, I be darn, I really need to get these two together now. And I swear, both Shoon and Yabu blush the same.

“Yabu, huh? I would have never guessed that. I would have said Inoo-chan if you didn’t tell me.”

“Inoo?! No way, Inoo is just a friend. Nothing else,” laughed Shoon.

Good thing I told Yabu that.

“So, how long have you liked Yabu?”

“Hmm well, think for a year, now. Maybe longer, I could have thought that I like Yabu only for a friend when I really like, like him.”

“Dang, Shoon. And you still haven’t told him that you like him,” I asked. I was surprised, I thought Shoon would have said like a couple months ago. Not a whole year. I could never, go on liking someone, when I didn’t even tell them I like, like them…not like I haven’t told Hasshi that I like, like him or anything…ok I haven’t yet. Don’t have to go all huffy on me.

“Well, I never figured Yabu, to be…well…to like guys,” blushed Shoon.

Ah, I can see where Shoon is coming from. Yabu doesn’t look like the type to like guys. I was surprised when we told me that he liked Shoon.

“I see, but you know it never hurts to try,” I said, “I mean, I’ll tell Hasshi that I like, like him. If you tell Yabu, that you like, like. Is it a deal?”

“Umm….ok. It’s a deal,” smiled Shoon as he shook my hand… Man what did I get myself into. Now I have to tell Hasshi that I like, like him… I didn’t think this through. As we shook hands, someone started to knock on the door. Shoon went to answer it. Speak of the devil, outside the door was Yabu. Shoon was a little surprised, hoping that the we weren’t loud enough for Yabu to hear us.

“Hi…Shoon,” Yabu tried smiling, “Can I talk to Takaki-kun for a moment?”

I gave Yabu, a confused look. What did he want now? This was giving Shoon the wrong signals.

“Ah..ya sure. I’ll just go to you’re room then. Is Inoo there still?”

I saw Yabu wince a little for Shoon to talk about Inoo, and it seemed that Shoon notice too.

“Yabu? Are you ok,” asked Shoon concerned.

“Yeah, I’m ok,” said Yabu smiling, “Inoo’s in Hikaru and Dai-chan’s room. They’re playing cards.”

“Ok,” smiled Shoon, “Well, I leave Yabu to you Takaki. Playing cards sounds fun right now.”

“Ok later.”

As Shoon left, Yabu turned to me with a pained look in his eyes.

“He’s going to Inoo again,” sighed Yabu, “You know, I’ve always liked Shoon. When we were little I would always look up to him, and always went to him when I was down. He seemed to understand me. And knew when to not ask questions and when to ask questions.”

“Hmm, I was going to ask you how long you liked Shoon, but I guess that answers my question.”

“Yeah, I guess it does, doesn’t,” Yabu laughed a sad smile, “You know, I sometimes wish I was so popular with JE, then Shoon could take care of me all the time. The first time I sang in front of people in NHK, I didn’t feel nervous at all? I was just excited that I would be able to sing in front of people. But Inoo-chan wasn’t like that the first time he had to. And he wasn’t alone. He had to sing with me, Moriuchi-kun, Shoon, Taiyo, and Macchan. Man I wonder how Macchan is? But anyways, he was so nervous. He was scared that he would mess up, but Shoon was there for him, he stood next to him the whole time. With an arm around him, looking at him from time to time to make sure he was okay. I guess that just made them closer. Plus we were doing the Yax3 show with them, making Shoon and Inoo to see each other more. Are you sure Shoon and Inoo aren’t together?”

I surprised to hear this. So Inoo-chan and Shoon had a history together.

“Is that why you keep asking if Inoo-chan and Shoon are together? Because they are so close to each other, when you and Shoon are not?”

“Yeah, it makes me, well depressed when I think about how much Inoo and Shoon hang out with each other while Shoon and I barely talk to each much less hang out with each other. On our group Shoon seems to like to hang out with Hikaru and Taiyo then me…And I think I’m the cause of this. I never really tried to get to know, know him. Like him I would mostly hang out with Taiyo and Hikaru. But I still went to him, when I needed help. For some reason, went I needed help I knew that Shoon would be there to help me. Even when we all started to go to school together, I rarely hung out with him. But by that time, I was trying to hang out more and more with him, other then hanging out with him at JE only.”

“You know, instead of talking this with me,” I started why don’t you talk to Shoon about this? You said so yourself that he understand you the best right? “ There that might get Yabu to say that he like Shoon first so that I don’t have to tell Hasshi that I like him…I hope.

“I don’t know. “ Yabu had started to talk but was interrupted by someone knocking at the door. I went answer it. It was Shoon, and the manager was behind him.

“Yo, seems like we have to sleep,” smiled Shoon

“Yup, come on Yabu-san,” smile the manager, “It’s time to go back to your room. You can talk tomorrow with Takaki-san.”

“Hai. Oyasumi, Takaki-kun, Shoon.”

“Oyasumi,” we both said, as Manager-san took Yabu to his room, and closed our door.

I went to my bed near the window, it was nice here.

As Shoon got into his bed he asked what we talked about.

“Oh just stuff,” I yawned.

“You and Yabu seems to talk to each other a lot now,” said Shoon, I couldn’t see Shoon’s face, but something in how he said that made me never want to make Shoon mad for some reason.

“Yeah, but I still like Hasshi better, so Yabu is yours,” I said trying to make this conversation better.

“Yeah, I guess so,” he sighed, “Tomorrow when we’re filming for the Yax3 show, on a brake I’m going to tell him. Thanks for giving me the courage to tell him, Takaki.”

Even though I couldn’t see Shoon’s face in this dark room I could tell that Shoon was smiling, “No prob. Just happy that you can tell him.”

“Only if you tell, Hasshi-kun that you like him, of course, too.”

Darn, I thought he forgot about that, I guess not. “Yeah, yeah. Good night Shoon.”

“Good night, Takaki.”

The next day it was hard to get up. By the time I did, Shoon was up and was getting dress for the filming that we had to do. A Hawaii shirt? Where’s he get that?

“Oh, Takaki, finally awake,” smirked Shoon, “Someone was knocking on the door. When I answered it, you wouldn’t believe who was there.”

“Who,” I asked still half asleep.


At the sound of Shoon singing Hasshi-kun’s name, that woke me up, “What and you didn’t wake me up for it?!”

“’Well you was just sooo cute sleeping,’” said Shoon in a voice that was little bit higher then his, that sounded a little like Hasshi’s, “From Hasshi, he said to let you sleep. So I did. He was just bring us these shirts.”

“Ah, so that’s where you got that shirt,” I said while rubbing my eyes from the sleep.

“Yup, you better get up,” said Shoon once again fixing his momiage, “We have to leave soon to be able to get breakfast in before we have to leave to film.”

“Alright, alright,” I said rolling our of bed, making Shoon laugh as he looked at me through the mirror.

“You got really bad bed hair.”

“Yeah, so,” I yawned and stretched, “Doesn’t everyone?”

“Yup, but I never seen bed head like yours.”

“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up,” I smiled.

I got ready for the filming, as Shoon waited for me. As I was getting ready, someone knocked on the door, when Shoon answered it, it was Taiyo and Hasshi, they decided to wait with us, seeing that everyone else had went down stairs to eat. Even though Taiyo’s stomach was growling he stayed with us. He didn’t want to go down without anyone. Even though Taiyo wasn’t the youngest in the group right now, he was acting like it. But I guess if I was him I wouldn’t want to do that either.

I got done and grabbed Hasshi’s hand and went out the door, with Taiyo, looking extra happy for some reason and Shoon, smirking…man I really shouldn’t have told him that I liked Hasshi…but I guess it’s for the best.

By the time we got down there everyone else was almost done eating, and Hikaru and Yabu were looking at us weirdly. Taiyo rolled his eyes, and went to get food with Shoon. I looked at Yabu, telling him with my eyes that nothing happened. We were just late. After I did that I dragged Hasshi to the buffet.

After everyone was done eating it as time to go to the filming station…if you call out side, next to a water park a filming station. The filming took awhile, but it was worth it. I saw Shoon, take Yabu off to the side somewhere to talk to him. Yabu saw me looking and gave me this ‘help me’ look but I just looked away like I didn’t see him…Guess it’s my turn to get Hasshi alone.

“Hey, Hasshi? Can I talk to you?”

“Sure, Yuya-kun,” smiled Hasshi. Sigh just looking at that smile makes me melt, “So what did you want to talk about, Yuya?”

“Um.. Well…I really like, like you Hasshi,” I blushed as I bowed to Hasshi. I wonder what Shoon is doing right now. The same thing as me?

“I…you what?” I could tell just by listening to Hasshi, he was surprised.

“Suki, desu.”

“Majide,” asked Hasshi. I raised my head to look at Hasshi. Hasshi took my hands, they felt nice and warm. “I really like you, too.”

Did my ears deceive me or did Hasshi just say that he liked me too?


“Daisuki, desu yo.”

After hearing that I hugged Hasshi. Hasshi was finally just mine, and I didn’t have to fear that someone else was going to get Hasshi before me. We went back hand in hand, not that anyone notice, we except Shoon, who was standing very close to Yabu. Who in return was smiling the biggest smile ever. His eyes were sparkling too, or was that the water from the Volcano Express. I had finally got Hasshi all to myself, I could died happy. And seeing that JJE lost at the waterslide quiz, I think I am going to die, since now we have to ride the Shaka.


*had no clue if that was right or not. Tell me if you know. XD Please.

So like how did you like my story?? You do recognize some of the pictures and the parts of the Yax3 show in this? After writing this, it make me love JJE more, mostly Takaki, and Hasshi though. Hee hee, now that I got this out of my system, maybe now I can concentrate those other tow stories that I have. Heh heh. Laters


j.j. express, yamabu, ya-ya-yah

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