Jan 18, 2008 11:23

TMI post of the medical variety, in which I vent.

I woke up yesterday morning pissing bright red blood and passing blood clots through my urethra. There was no smell indicating an infection (I've had UTIs, I know their smell), nor was there any warning of urgency to pee which builds for days before it hits blood-in-urine point. It hurt weird to pee so I thought maybe I'd torn my urethra. Because it's either nothing or a Big Fucking Deal, I called my work to say I'd be late, drank a huge amount of water, borrowed a car (watched an episode of stargate which I really did not mean to watch to the end) and headed to the Urgent Care Center.

By the time I got there the blood had changed from being hugely, deeply red to barely tinting my urine. The sample I gave them had a few whispy little clots but nothing impressive like it had been. They asked if I were on my period, I said yes, they said they couldn't conclusively tell me what it was or even say it wasn't my period, but gave me antibiotics, billed me $220, and sent me on my way. I was feeling nasty and bad by the end of it from stress, and lack of food and sleep. I tried to go to work but they sent me home, which was right nice of them. I decided to try a few remedies that have worked for me before rather than take the antibiotics because I just came off a run of antibiotics and I'm really prone to yeast infections which drive me MAD and are supremely difficult to shake. I didn't get one this time because I spent over $50 (it would have been $100 but my parents paid half) on some really intense probiotics. I don't want to do that again, the hospital visit is already coming at the end a month when I was strapped for rent anyway, so I'm waiting to see if I need to. I'm also filling out an application to see if I can reduce the bill through their Compassionate Care program. The staff were really nice throughout (the doctor gave me the most courteous pelvic exam I've ever received. I must say, it was kind of cute), it's not their fault if they couldn't find anything wrong, but it still really REALLY fucking sucks to pay this bill and lose a day of work (considering time lost at work and the prescription, the whole adventure is ringing up at around $300)  for their finding nothing.  On the upside, by the end of the day yesterday my urethra still felt weird, but no longer was there any real urgency, nor was there any visible blood.

On the downside, I woke up this morning peeing blood again. WTF?
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