Apr 12, 2005 02:01
"Jesus Christ is risen!"
What does that mean to you? We've heard phrases like that since we were probably little kids, but I haven't given it proper thought and prayer. Thank God for the period of time between Easter and Pentecost! Amen! This is a huge cornerstone of our faith. That's all that I have really thought of is the familiar story of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. I think of a sunny Easter morning, a rock being moved out of the way, garments wrapped up in the empty tomb, the drama between the guards, the angel, and the women. I've learned to just accept that and not give it the thought and prayerful thanks that it deserves.
Think about it with me. Jesus Christ came to teach, suffer, die, and rise from the dead, all for His Father's will to be completed in Him. After all that Jesus did, I'm sure most Christians think that Jesus deserves to be in glory at the right hand of the Father in Heaven.
But here's the thing, Christ didn't just die so that He might rise to the Father in glory, He came so that we might rise with Him. When we die, we should believe that we have died with Christ and will be risen with Christ, in Christ. Jesus gave you the opportunity to say "yes" to life. Do not mistake that the right path is easy, for you are not higher than your Master, and therefore are subject to persecution, pain, trials, temptation, and death. The reward of your Heavenly Father is very great, however. He has prepared a special place only for you in Heaven. May we learn the true meaning of living a life that is worthy of Christ.
Jesus loves you so much,
God bless!
Your servant,
Brandon Scott Averbeck