Aug 16, 2005 15:35
That overwhelming feeling....
Like you are being overwhelmed....
I guess that's why they call it that.
I find I am doing it to myself more often than not. It's not anything outside myself, no external force has an effect. I am the one making my life such a drag. And making my schedule so busy - for very little reason or monetary compensation.
So - the only thing I can find that makes this better is to think in terms of goals. Since I don't work for anyone - and I have control of my own time and workflow - the only way to make it all change is to ask "What do I want to have accomplished?" When I have the answer to that question - in the long and short term - then I will have a better idea of what to do and (more importantly) what not to do.
Example: I love the idea of doing a show for LIVE GIRLS in Ballard, or the Mirabeau Room on QA. It sounds fun. What does the company get? What do I get? Is this just another West Seattle? What will make it NOT a West Seattle? What will be the difference? What will the drain be? Who benefits from the time/ energy/ money/ aggravation?
Short hand: What is the goal?
If I can answer that - then I have a direction to head in.