Meet the couple!

Jul 07, 2005 17:59

My name is Amber and I am a 21 yr old student from Kentucky. I am currently working on my history degree and secondary education certification (which means I want to teach high school kids history!)My fiance is Jason, he is 23 and working on his PhD in mechanical engineering. We attend different schools, four hours apart. Luckily, we get to see each other about every other weekend and during school breaks. I know that in the long run it will all be worth it, but for now its really tough! Jason and I love to lounge around in our pj's together, cuddling and taking afternoon naps. We also like to take picnics, trips, go to nice restaurants, and play frisbee. We are completly in love!

How we met:(the short version!)
Jason and I both attended a wedding on May 29, 2004. Neither of us went looking forward to it! After my date got pitifully drunk at the reception I turned to the cutie sitting across from me for someone to hang out with. We did some casual flirting, tried to meet up after the reception (unsuccessfully) and that was that. He didnt get my number and so I thought the next time I would see him he would be with his cute little wife at Wal-Mart or something!

Fast forward to June 26, 2004. I went to a fraternity party with some of my girlfriends. I got very drunk, and ran into Jason. Of course, in my obnoxious stupor yelled out his name, first and last, for all to hear! He of course noticed me, and instead of turning around and running away (like he probably should have) he came to talk to me. I immediately scolded him for not meeting up with me after the wedding a month before and gave him my number "so it wouldnt happen again". I was so smooth! Luckily he thought I was adorable and we talked, danced, and flirted all night. He promised to call me and luckily did that following Monday. We went on a wonderful date on July 2nd and have been together ever since!

Jason and I have a wonderful love story, it was really love at first sight. After our first date we both knew each other was "the one". We even said "I love you" 2 DAYS after our first date!! We were, and still are, inseperable... and completley in love!!
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