I'm going to sputter for a little while behind a cut: a) so as not to bore people who don't care; b) not to clutter f-pages; and, c) not to spoil anything, so be warned: here there be spoilers.
I have developed a major hatred of the phrase "To be continued". It is used too much in my favorite shows, but as long as they come back with something good in the fall (or are they going back to a summer beginning?), I'll be good.
I really loved most of this episode. Especially old hologram!Rodney. Is it just me or did you want to cuddle him? Seriously, the man spent his life on a pursuit he wouldn't even live to see the fruition of. And I want one of the virtual reality blackboard things. It would make my life easier.
The one thing they didn't address in the episode (which wouldn't have fit anyway, but interesting thought...) was what happened to the John in old!Rodney's timeline. So he gated to Atlantis 48,000 years in the future and then what.? He sat there? He wandered around aimlessly? I feel seriously bad for that John. I want to hug him as much as I want to hug hologram!Rodney.
I didn't love the Keller/McKay idea. Not just because McShep is my OTP, but because there was only one major foreshadow for that and no conclusions on the Ronon front. I mean, Ronon and Keller seemed a lot further along than Rodney and Keller....so what happened between them? I don't really see Keller/McKay as a plausible outcome...but they were cute. And it made more with the huggy Rodney feelings. Basically, I just wanted to grab any incarnation of Rodney McKay anytime he was on screen and *smoosh* him.
I actually loved Sam in this episode, what with "going down with her ship" and all. I don't feel that they've used her appropriately this season and this was a good way to go, since she's not going to be a regular next season. Even Elizabeth was a more integral character than Sam...
I read a post once about how the writers wrap up every story angle too tightly. For some reason that person also thought Michael was dead (which they will probably have noticed by now, he's not). Well, now we've got what I think are too many open story arcs. What happened to replicator!Weir? What's going to happen with Carson? I could keep naming characters that have been sloughed off in the interim, but it would be pointless. I just want to know what's going on. I mean, I thought evil!Weir was gonna come back with a vengeance at some point during the season, but that never happened. We haven't seen those guys since the end of BAMSR.
Also, I need to stop associating baking cookies with Friday night SGA. It can't be good for me. Also, it's really boring watching without my normal SGA buddies, but everyone left for break. *sadness*
And that's that. I'm going to go tend to my cookie baking wounds now (I burned myself on a chocolate chip).
Your fandom thought of the day: "McKay, I don't care if you you think John's exes are tramps or if you want to name your fake baby Starshine-don't do it in my gateroom."~Carter (from
Post-Nuptial by
rageprufrock )
Have a nice weekend all!