A Glimpse At The Light Reading of My Life

Feb 20, 2008 23:03

I can't believe I didn't know the writer's strike had ended. My friend laughed at me for five minutes when I mentioned that I hadn't noticed. So why didn't I know? Mostly because I don't watch TV almost ever and lately I've been reading almost everything that isn't news.

So what have I been reading? A short, boring list:
  1. Research papers on Nitinol welding...for FOUR hours. *sob* I didn't waaaaant to! *headdesk*
  2. Txt messages from my friend, A. Yes, we're those pathetic people that txt message each other like 30 times a day.
  3. Emails from my senior design advisor. Most of them read "WHY HAVEN'T YOU DONE THIS YET?????" (note excessive punctuation)
  4. The weird articles in Rolling Stone. They have titles like: Merchants of Trivia (on the media's involvement in the US Primary), The Great Iraq Swindle ("American men and women dying by the thousands, so that Karl Marx and Adam Smith can blow each other in a Middle Eastern glory hole" EWWWW, they weren't exactly McShep), and one I can't remember the name of about the murder of a gay porn king.
  5. A little, itty bitty bit of fanfic. Like
    sardonicsmiley's Taking the Long Way Home (and then I had to stop because that story killed me, killed me dead).
  6. Articles pertaining to the 2008 Democratic Primaries. Mostly in the magazines in my doctor's office.
And that's IT. That's why I'm back in 2007 basically. Where has time GONE?

Your fandom thought of the day: "Every day I have to figure out how to make stories about life-sucking space vampires plausible. You wouldn't think I'm big on logic, but ... I'm a closet fan." ~Rodney (from Chasing Sheppard by

daily blah

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