I feel like some of the nonnies at
spnanonhaven have better vocab than the writers they're wanking about. From just a couple threads:
- florid
- penchant
- infuse
- uncanny
- riveted
- dreck
- eccentric
- redundant
- prolific
- stoic
Plus quirky was used (correctly) several times and I &heart; that word. While this may not seem like impressive vocabulary to many, it's better than that of some fics I've read in the last several months.
On the one hand, it's sad that when I start breathing erratically due to copious SPaG errors in fic I jump over to the anon threads, but on the other, at least I know there are some people in fandom with spelling chops. It's not hard to reduce SPaG errors, authors! Get a GOOD beta! And if you think it's too hard, imagine all the people who will actually read your fic once it's edited compared to the number who will wank about your inability to spell and incomprehension of a semicolon.
And for another thing: if you don't understand grammar and spelling, don't pretend you can beta for someone. The bad will overshadow any good you may do.
This public service message brought to you by a discerning beta reader and fic lover