Umm... Is "stuff" not descriptive enough?

May 09, 2011 21:29

I should really write more... I tend to comment on other people's stuff and join in community discussions and things of that sort, but I don't always feel like I have anything interesting to say myself. Every entry would say about the same thing: I feel the deep-seated need to procrastinate work on my Masters thesis some more.

Today I actually have fandomish things to share though!

One of my favoritest people in both the interwebs and RL wrote stuff that she says was for me! I do not know what I've done to deserve this, but it's terrifically fun!
  And Then Buffy Staked Edward by jujuberry136 - CM/NCIS Twilight-bashing goodness

Other things: I've been asked to do a guest rec post at sawedoff_recs next week! Technically, I suggested a topic that they liked, but still! So look for that...

I have both my authors for sncross_bigbang and spn_j2_bigbang ! Both stories sound super-awesome and I'm looking forward to posting some artsy goodness in the next few months.

I know, I'm becoming such an active member of fandom *tear* Little fangirl all growed up!


yay!, fanart, fanfic recs, bigbang

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