So I've recently (like in the last 20 minutes) come to the realization that my younger cat, Kona, who I also call Princess Whitelaw (from
this hilarious fic by
screamlet and
leupagus, but let's pretend I don't nickname my kitten from crack!fic) is like a little kitten version of Castiel. No fo srs (I have supporting evidence!):
- She has big blue eyes that she uses to stare at me when she isn't getting her way, which is never.
- She is trenchcoat colored (no that's not actually a color, but you know what I mean).
- She has no sense of personal space. Like when she decided she wanted to try to take a shower with me. Or any night when I'm trying to sleep and she decides my feet are an affront to her continued supremacy of the world (and my bed).
- She's overly protective (re: my feet are totally out to get me and she must protect me from them).
- Her fur never lies down flat nor is ever well-groomed. Basically, she looks like she just rolled out of bed. Constantly.
- She loves feathers. And I spent way too much time this fall chasing her around trying to get the feathers she found on the balcony out of her mouth BECAUSE SHE MIGHT HAVE GOTTEN AVIAN FLU (or I'm just crazy).
But really it all boils down to the eyes and the fur. I mean, look at these (and note her eyes are actually much bluer, but they looked washed out in these):
Yes, I blabbered on about Supernatural AND posted pictures of my cat. I'm liking a walking interwebs cliché.