It's Finals Time Again

Dec 08, 2010 14:53

It's the end of the world again. Every year during finals I pick something I've watched a million times, put it on the telly, and watch it while I complete copious amounts of work and somehow manage not to fail at life. This method has several benefits: a) I don't need to pay attention in order to know what happens; and b) I never forget my oldies-but-goodies.

Problem: In the past semester I've developed a love of silence while I work, which is completely new. I've always worked with the television on or music playing on my computer, but lately...quiet is actually kinda nice, ya know? And secondly, watching my faves does not stop me from falling asleep at inappropriate times. Like at 6:30pm. While I'm working on a report. With my head pillowed by the not-so-ergonomic-for-neck-support laptop keyboard.

Oh bugger all.

In the past my go-to's have been: Taken (yes, the one with the aliens and the Harlequin-esque love stories), Battlestar (because when are Cylons NOT a good finals companion?), Doctor Who (explosions=alarm clock!), Whedonverse (any and all of them), and Supernatural (last spring's, problem was the hotness was distracting).

This year it's Veronica Mars. Because the girl was awesome. And I miss her. And as soon as I turned it on I was reminded me that a certain person (*cough*jujuberry136 *cough*) still has not watched that amazingness that is VM.



PS - I do really have about 17 stories in the works. And maybe someday I'll even get the courage to post one of them! That may include the Zach is a total bitch to his not-boyfriend Chris (but Chris totally digs it) story, the Dean and Cas save the whales! AU, the Becky throws a birthday party for Sam story, the BBT genfic that's completely based on a night of drinking with my engineer buddies, and my accounting of Sam Winchester's bitchfaces. I need some serious pushing and coddling here.

daily blah, lessons learned

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