*smiles* So I finally wrote something after a very long hiatus. This is unbetaed and took me forever to do. Gah, I've been out of this a long time. *smiles* The muses are being restless now. -_-...Anyway, without further adieu..
Title: Moments of Valor
Part: One
Series: Saiyuki
Pairing: Gojyo & Hakkai
Warnings: Hinted malexmale, um not really many in this one, go figure.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Hakkai and Gojyo share a moment in a hotel room.
Rain poured incessantly against the roof of the inn and formed a soft hum of background noise to the normal sounds of the night. Smoke dissipated into the air as Gojyo took another long drag from the cigarette dangling between his long fingers. He pushed blood-red hair away from his eyes and continued watching the play of water against the window. The fact he was stuck sharing the hotel room with a pissy Hakkai did nothing to improve his current mood.
There was absolutely nothing to do in this backwater town. With Sanzo in the usual funk caused by the rain, it looked like the entire party was stuck here until the priest got the bug out of his ass and decided to move on down the road. Gojyo glanced up when Hakkai finally came back into the room and he watched the slow, careful movements with narrowed eyes. "Monkey give you much trouble?" Gojyo asked.
"Goku settled in quite nicely once he realized Sanzo would not shoot him," Hakkai replied with a trace of false cheerfulness. Gojyo translated the Hakkai-speak to mean Goku wouldn't budge from Sanzo's side once the idiot monkey saw the grouch of a priest. Typical. Now, if Gojyo could get Hakkai to relax, they might have a little game of mahjong or tie-the-kappa-to-the-bed. Either situation suited him just fine in his present mood.
"Looks like we won't be leaving early," Gojyo pointed out.
Hakkai made a soft sound before settling onto the bed opposite the one Gojyo took up with his long legs. "If the rain clears, we will be," he ventured.
"Most likely, it'll rain all day," Gojyo drawled. When it was raining, the fine art of seducing Hakkai took on whole new levels of danger. It all depended on how depressed the converted youkai was at any given moment.
"Go to sleep, Gojyo," Hakkai finally said as he began removing his clothing. He pulled his outer shirt and pants off before neatly folding them into a pile which he placed beside the door. He had removed his shoes upon entering the two private rooms Sanzo had booked for the night when the weather turned so foul.
Gojyo stretched out, ground his cigarette out in the ashtray beside the bed, and propped up to look at Hakkai enticingly. "Go to sleep alone?" he pouted just a bit for emphasis. "All by myself over here and you all the way over there? I'm hurt."
"It isn't the first time such an event has happened," Hakkai pointed out. "And it won't be the last."
Gojyo snorted faintly and offered a very dubious expression to Hakkai in response. "Just wait until the next town when I go to sleep every single night with an entire harem of girls," he snapped.
"An entire harem?" Hakkai asked with a lift of his brow. He removed his monocle, eyed where Hakaryu lay curled comfortably on a small shelf high against the wall, and finally settled into the bed he'd taken for the night. "Even for you, do you not think that might be a bit on the excessive side?"
"Not with my incredible sex drive and ability to charm everything within ten feet of me," Gojyo said with a wiggle of his brows.
Hakkai laughed in spite of himself and realized Gojyo looked suspiciously smug. "You can stop it now. I'm fine," he said quietly.
"Then you won't mind a game of mahjong to pass the time," the redhead remarked triumphantly.
"We can pass the time by sleeping," Hakkai said politely. "And I would suggest you make yourself quite comfortable in that bed as I am not in the mood to share mine tonight."
Gojyo grumbled, muttered, and settled under the sparse sheets with a considering look to Hakkai. The night was young and he did not intend to give up so easily but he could feign sleep for a bit to put the youkai at ease. "Fiiiine. This is me sleeping over here all by my little lonesome and you over there sleeping all by your little lonesome. Happy now?" he asked.
"Extremely. If you wake me up, I may have to take drastic measures to keep you over there," Hakkai said with a slight edge to his voice he quickly buried by rolling onto his side. He offered his back to Gojyo with every intention of getting a little sleep in before the half-breed tried something hornyily foolish.
"Promise?" Gojyo purred.
"Always," Hakkai replied. "Good night."
"Sweet, sweet dreams," Gojyo said from his side of the room. Half the beauty of baiting Hakkai was that he always did follow through on his promises. The redhead arranged his limbs comfortably and dozed off to thoughts of being hogtied by Hakkai - complete with a few judicious marks on his body for spice.
Sweet dreams, indeed.
*yawns and leaves much love* Comments are your friend. Feedback is as well. ~_^