Missed me? Ha! I just feel like I haven't posted in SO long =P
I have SO many pictures to share with you, unfortunately I can't remember what I used in most of them because I usually snap and go...so hopefully that's alright, some of them I remember what collection I used so hopefully that should be enough =)
I hope everyone is doing well. As for me, I didn't get the permanent position at MAC...again. lol. But it's ok, it's their loss and when it's finally my time I'll show them what they've been missing =D I'm still freelancing but hours are few and far between =/ I need to get another job! ;) anywho, onto the pictures... +14 pictures, so not dial up friendly...
Wore this one to IMATS last Sunday
Everything used is from Cool Heat =)
A week or so ago.
I know I used pink vivid p/m, pink pearl p/m, and violet p/m but that's all I remember =/
Neo-Sci-Fi look...
My sister and I at her 6th grade graduation.
Liner, mascara and Port Red lipstick...
Another Neo-Sci-Fi look
I used the peach blush on my lid and primary yellow pm and violet pm on the lower lashline
On my way to vegas (did this in the car)
Pandamonium quad =)
Another Vegas pic
I used the smoking quad...crap, one of the quads that came out with smoke signals...
Me in "the-lipstick-that-should-not-be-named"
Yesterdays Look
I remember what I used here =)
Primary yellow pm on the lid, Orange pm in the crease, bright fuchsia outer corner with smoke signals pm to smoke out, true chartruse pm on top of minted e/k and Ivy pencil on lower lash line. CD on lips with c-thru over it Mystery on the brows =)
That's all for now. =) I'm on my way to my almost-done-being-remodeled home to go swimming for the day since it's way to HOT to be stuck indoors! Any CC, questions or comments always welcomed (but I can't answer them till I get back later) ;)
Have a great day everyone!!!