Catchin' Up

Sep 02, 2002 20:52

It's been a long time since I updated. Or, at least, it feels like a long time. I think I know why, too - not because of college (that first week went by almost excruciatingly slowly) but because of... I don't even know what to call it... Grandma's health scare. She goes to the doctor again on Wednesday. I pray she's fine. And even if she needs brain surgery, I hope that will do it.

This past week has been very... depressing. Scary. Anxiety-ridden. And now that the week's over, the feelings push onward. Life always has that way of kicking you while you're down, especially if you're down so often you barely ever have a chance to get up.

Anyway, on to more uplifting and trivial matters. I had Psychology on Friday. It seems like it's going to be an interesting class. Sam is in it, as well as my uncle Tom. That was a big surprise! It already felt weird, but at this point in my life, I could care less. And since he looks like my dad, I'll just pretend I'm going to class with him instead. Except that would be a lot more fun... there's an idea for the future.

Waking up early on Saturday was not that fun, but Photography is going to be an AWESOME class. It might be a little difficult (a *little*? Okay, very), but my teacher is nice and he said it gets easier as time goes by. So yeah. My, my, is class long. 9:00 am to 12:50 pm. Ick! We had a nice little 15 min break, and I actually talked with some people.

After class, I called Megan and picked her up and we went out to lunch at the China Buffet (even though I had just been there with Mason a few days earlier - it didn't bother me!). It was nice talking and hanging out with Megan. It's weird to think that this time last year, I saw her every day. And now I'll be seeing her every other weekend, possibly. We switched cars and headed to Gurnee. Got drinks at Starbucks and wandered around Borders.

I was going to go to North Park and visit Megan today, but it didn't work out. To spend the night, you have to have it okay'd a week in advance, and if I just went to hang out, the time frame of when we'd get there and when I'd have to leave in order to not take the last train out of Union Station wasn't big enough to be worth it. So some other time. We'll have a blast no matter when I visit.

I have to *arg* buy more stuff for my photography class. It's going to be cool, but it's costing a pretty penny (so many pennies, in fact, it's not funny). So I saw a sign at Borders that they're hiring cashiers. If they're still hiring after this week (I don't want to go get a job now, after waiting so long, when Grandma and the rest of the family needs me), I'll apply. It won't pay too well, but it will be tolerable with my back, I think. And any money is better than no money.

I watched a rerun of Matthew Perry on Larry King Live. I want to marry that man. So what if he's 33 and I'm only 18.5? I don't care - he's great. Terrific. Superb. And not hard on the eyes at all... Yum.

Mom, Dad, and I went to K-Mart today. I almost bought a Joe Boxer shirt that had arrows pointing at the chest and said "All this and brains, too." Tempted, but I'd never wear it. Too chicken, too shy.

I've been going through a M*A*S*H phase. I've always liked the show, but now that it comes on Fox at midnight at twelve-thirty every week night - and I can stay up that late to watch it- I'm finding myself really enjoying it.

college, family, health, tv, shopping, actors, job hunt

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