Introduction to Astronomy is going to be a cool class. Astronomy is a subject I've always liked, and the teacher seems pretty funny. Plus, Tony Kane is in my class, so I have something to talk to and get notes from when I go to Meggie's wedding. We left at the same time, so we hiked through the parking lot until we reached my car (I parked closer, slightly closer). Then, at 83 & Center, I was in the left lane (had to drop the water bill off at the Village Hall) and he was in the right. And because it's a long light, we talked a little.
It'll be fun. Now I have someone to talk to in Astronomy and Psychology. Yay!
The results from Grandma's MRI are going to be ready tomorrow. My fingers are crossed.
Now I must get back to
The Dead Zone - a repeat of an ep I haven't seen yet. And it's on late enough for me to watch it.